sometimes, it's better to not know




Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:39 PM

HELLO!! ii am back! (: ii know posting 3 times in a day is super super "unhealthy". but nevermindd LOL, ii am here to break this news,

BMW Sauber finally launch their C29!! (:
LOL, ii know this is freaking lame.. but ii have been like waiting for so long lerhhs . and its finally here! HAHA . the thing ii wanna say is.. it looks... yuck! LOL . >.< ii mean, its like super duper white lehh. goshh. it simply just dosent look like some champion-winning car lo.. o.o

2:09 PM

hello! (: back from playing table tennis with ningshen, xuanmeng and kaiyang. HAHA .
it was super duper funny, ii can tell uu LOL!!
ii laughed like damn madly when playing with ningshen (: cause it was pure funny larhh!
and ning shen said, "uu are sweating more then me when uu are moving lesser then me, uu know why?"
and ii ask, "why?"
then ning shen reply, "because uu are laughing like mad ."
LOL, but he also got laugh lorhhh, not only me larhh (:

and cause we laughed too much, xuanmeng and kaiyang, at the other table, keep asking us to shut up.. so, when we are like, tired that time? ning shen and ii went to play the table soccer (ii think that's the name for that game? o.o or maybe not? LOL but nevermindd HAHA, to me its table soccer ok le)
and we played till like damn funny!! LOL .
ii cant believe it larhh HAHA, we use the table tennis ball to be the "socccer ball".
and we control the ppl until like, keep missing the ball derhhs LOL .
then got one time too ji dong until the ball fly out (:
and ning shen and ii laughed like damn madly till kaiyang and xuan meng came over HAH!
yeahh, then etc etc etc .
ii lazy to type out what happen larhh HAHA . just know that it was funny. the end (:
ohh, and today have no pictures (:

what's that for? o.o
arghh . yeshh, ii seriously detest ppl who start a convo with "oii" . it sounds super rude to me larhh . ii just really really dont like it . cant uu start with a "hello"? tskk, maybe uu think there's nothing wrong to it, or probably uu think its pretty normal to uu.. but please, it's freaking rude to me and it makes me dont feel like replying to it.

and also.. a silence for just 1 minute from me, dosent need uu to give me a nudge and disturb what ii'm doing right? its just a pure 1 minute, are uu that impatient? and a few seconds after that nudge, come an "oi" again. it's damn irritating uu know? if ii didnt reply for quite a long time, it simply just means that ii am busy doing something.. it's not like ii wanna really intentionally dao uu like that what? -.- uu just make me wanna dao uu instead .

awaiting BMW Sauber and Renault launch of 2010 car! (:
hahaha, faster faster!! (: cant wait to see their new livery, etc. hahaha

{ With words we can say everything, but facts have to speak. }
ii am gonna stay in my little world of zooms (: dont uu dare step into it, again .

Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:32 PM

hello! (: my cousin gone back to penang le ! sent her to airport just now. (:

just now when my mama and ii were on the way to jp from the airport that time.. WE SAW TWO FERRARI SPORTS CAR!!
ohh my god larhh.. the first time.. ii was like looking around the road. and then, suddenly, a red sportscar drove past my mum's car .
obviously it caught my attention right? cause it was fast? as in, faster then a normal car larhh.. so ii turned my head . it was damn fast, but ii manage to catch a glimpse of that yellow color logo. HAHA!!
then ii shouted, "FERRARI!!" and my mama was like, shocked LOL, cause its like, a sudden burst out from me .
and ii was like, "where's my phone? oh my god! where's my phone?? take picture take picture!"
and when ii took out my phone.. the car flew quite far already. but ii zoom-ed till the max and took the back view of it! HAHA (: whatever larhh . back view also good enough (:

after that, ii was quite sad ii didnt manage to take the side view of the car.. o.o
but a few minutes later, some fast flying car flew past us again. this time yellow in color .
and then, AGAIN, ii saw the logo first LOL!! (ii dont know why ii keep noticing the scuderia ferrari logo at the side first, but yeahh..)
and ii was like, "MUMMY!! FERRARI!!! ohh my god, my phone, MY PHONE!!"
then when my mama saw me so excited.. she speed up the car LOL .
and deep down in my heart ii was like, "thanks mummy . hearts hearts hearts uu (:"
cause she always try not to speed at there derhhs, apparently cause there are cameras? and she dont wanan tio saman.. yeahh.. but because of me, she speed up sia, so as to allow me to take a nice picture of that ferrari sportscar.. awws.. mummy uu are best sia!! x33
although our car, still slower then the ferrari larhh, like duhh? LOL but yeahh, mummy ftw!! (:
okays, so this time ii manage to take 2 photos of it. but still, back view lehh ):
ii feel damn failed larhh. haix..

and.. after that ii was like telling my mama, "ii am so going to buy a ferrari sports car next time!!"
but my mama dosent seems to care.. she just looked straight.. o.o
at that time, ii was still holding my phone, which is at the camera mode... cause ii still put on hopes that ii can STILL take the yellow ferrari sportscar that flew so far away..
ii was like, "why it so fast derhhs? ):"
and my mama was like, "aiya.. he cannot fly too far also de larhh.."
and yeahh, indeed HAHA! it keep tio stuck behind slow vehicles.. but manage to get away larhh o.o
but still, ii want a ferrari! (:

ohh, and ii told my mama, "why are we so lucky today arhh? 2 ferrari sportscar lehh!"
and my mama said, "cause of f1 larhh. then ppl buy ."
then ii was like, "okays, ii shall wait for the third one! (:"
and ii pull the mirror down while holding on to my phone.. every 5seconds, ii will look up and see through the reflection of the mirror to see if any sports car is dashing towards us.. then ii can get my phone ready for its sideview (:
but none came. ):
and ii was so emo larhh . haix..

so, we arrived at jp and we went to john little to buy some stuffs .
saw kai xin!! HAHA (: etc etc stuffs happened, but ii shouldnt say hahaha! but was damn funny .
my mum and ii was trying to control our laughter for that. HAHA! (:

we left jp after that and went to jurong central there to buy a weighing machine for me! (:
cause ii was bugging my mama for that when we left jp..
she kept saying, "你都不是说很肥,改次再买啦!"
then ii was like, "不要!我要现在买。。):"
and my mother say, "你不肥啦。改次我有时间再去买, ok?"
so ii was emoing...
because she promise me to buy it like, today? ):
then when we inside the car that time, she was like, "你饿不饿?"
and ii said, "我很饱。。"
so she was like, "ok larhh . now we go jurong central there to see if got weighing machine anot."
and my heart got abit of break already, arghhs . ii feel damn failed as a daughter sia . ishh . she dont want today buy then nevermind lorhh, why ii still go bug her for it and get like so unhappy? make her change her mind and buy for me.. awws.. my best mummy ! x333

so after we bought the weighing machine.. ii walked to the je lib and my mama went to get her car and go home . slacked and shop around je and then headed to tution .
tution was okays lorhh .
yeahh.. 5pm, tution end.. home-d .
used the comp for awhile.. and went to tution again..
7.50pm, tution ended again . home-d .

so when we reach our house downstairs that time..
ii : mummy, where's the weighing machine?
mummy: at home lorhh. under my bed .
ii : can work anot? o.o
mummy : can! ii try already (:
ii : how lehh?
mummy : below 50kg lehh!! waah, ii dont know when become so light derhhs (:
ii : uu got tiao the zheng anot?
mummy : of course got larhh!!
ii : uu sure uu tiao correctly?
mummy : ehh, 你的头脑是我生出来的 lehh.. 你以为我傻啊?
ii : HAHAHAA!!
kor kor : what thing? (LOL so blur derhhs =P)
mummy : 傻姑 (referring to cruel temptation that "aunt") 都没有这么傻啦!
and then we laughed real hard (:

kor kor : (finally 进入情况) scali is not less then 50kg, is the zhen go one round and come back to 50kg LOL
mummy : waahh, if like that then, 我真的是厉害了!
and 3 of us laughed all our way home HAHA (:
so here ii am posting (:
to conclude, today is a really cool day! love die it! (:


Friday, January 29, 2010 8:20 PM

hello!! (: ermm, today was okays larhh, haha!
strike out was quite successful, yet not that successful? LOL, uu know both of us seriously sucks at resisting temptation? LOL, cause we see wongzhen they all eating those delicious food then start to liu kou shui already o.o
so during recess both of us shared one sushi, which is like.. so not enough . ):
okays nvm, HAHA, but pe today was damn cool (: cause we sweat-ed alot! LOL .

okays, next, science lesson! (:
our class was like, walking towards the science lab. and when we reached there, mr xiong havent reach yet.. so theodore was like, "LATEST NEWS! mr xiong is in a bad mood today. everybody keep quiet!"
then, mr xiong was like, walking towards the science lab from the opposite block . and the guys in the front queue was like, "shhh-shhh-shhh ."
so when mr xiong walked past us, he tou1 xiao4 lehh! LOL, ii saw!! HAHA!
then he said, "ii heard ppl saying shhh." and then he tried to control his smile LOL, so cute sia! (:
then our class burst out into laughter .
which is like, when is he in a bad mood? LOL . (:

ohh and today.. during co break.. shared a piece of pizza with sixin (:
LOL, it was like, damn hard? and ii have a hard time cutting it into pieces LOL, as sixin and jiaqi saw.. ii totally sucks in cutting it larhh HAHA .
sixin cut it like, so easily?
and ii was like, "look at me!"
*breathes in*
*grab the forks and spoon real hard*
*apply lots of force down on the pizza*
but then, not only did the pizza not cut into pieces, the fork and spoon even bended LOL .
and we laughed like damn mad-ly HAHA . (:

haha, my memory is failing me nowadays.. LOL, so ii think ii will continue with today's photos bahhs? quite little larhh (:

and ohh yeshh, ii almost forgot, Mclaren MP4-25 is out!! (:
their front view looks almost alike to the one in 2009 . but the side view looks WEIRD . o.o especially towards the back of the car. o.o
but ohh well, their design for the front wings is damn zai . =O
nevermind!! (: we will still see the speed in february! HAHA, ferrari FTW! <33

{ 你带走了爱,我的幸福跟你离开,而我还在原地不曾离开。

Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:09 PM

hello! ii am back! pheww, ii thought ii would not be able to use the computer for the day lerhhs LOL, cause ii thought my cousin would have reached home earlier then me =O, but shockingly, she didnt! (:
great! so now, ii can do something for friends de ling yi ban, as promised . (:

because, she have some english tution? . is spending her time thinking of jeng yu (:

alrights, today's real cool . because alot of funny things happened.
skipping home econs and recess and hcl.. we shall move on to science! (:
today arhh.. stayed in class and mr xiong gave us alot of answers to copy, regardless we did correct anot . and he even gave us time limit larhh! LOL . cause it was damn rushing, so he was abit gin jiong also larhh . so the temper all change already ):
then nicole was like, "jengyu, today ur mr xiong not cute already ."
and ii look up at mr xiong.. and then say, "abit... ): but he still very cute larhh. (:"
cause the hand very de very pain liao . so nicole keep telling me, he not cute already . but ii think, he is still cute larhh. hehehe, shi wei wo men hao, okays? (: must be more understanding HAHA .

next was maths lesson.. nth interesting lorhh, so ii skip skip (:
CID!! woohoo. it's the best lesson of the week larhh . it's always like that, and STILL like that. haha.
cause CID is the best time to qi4 nicole LOL!
got one of the funny thing is like that..
(ii said something to re nicole sheng qi..)
Nicole : GOT MOSQUITO! *uses both hands to hit my face*
Xuerong : huh? ii thought it should be chang1 ying2?
Jeng Yu & Xuerong : HAHAHA!!
Jeng Yu : wahh nicole . tskk .
Nicole : what what? ii am deaf, ii cannot hear. ii am blind, cannot see . *covers eyes*
(then xuerong and ii continue to talk about nicole)
Nicole : grrrr...
Jeng Yu : ehhh? ii thought uu are deaf? why uu can still hear? LOL!!
Xuerong : yarhh lorhh!
Nicole : cause ii can du2 lip .
Jeng Yu : do lit? (literature de lit)
Nicole : DU2 LIP . *points to lips*
Xuerong : do leap?
Jeng Yu : OHH!! uu mean, du2 li4 ?
Min Yee : tulip arhhh?
Nicole : DU2 LIP!!!!! *points vigorously at her lips*
Jeng Yu : OHHH!!! du2 lip! (:
Nicole : yarhh larhh! finally! LOL
Jeng Yu : waahh nicole, ur pronunciation like got abit problem ehh? wo men san ge all dont get uu LOL
Nicole : tskkkk!
Xuerong : we are a joker, but nicole's a joke (:

ok next . after CID was dismissal . chiong-ed homework in the classroom with nicole and skipped lunch . then, went to geog room to have our geography make-up lesson .
lesson ended at around 3.30pm?
then, ii went back to class to continue my maths homework, while waiting for nicole, who went back to her hostel to take some clothes . (cause we going jp afterwards and she got tution at 7.30pm. so she gonna change in jp and leave from there lo.)
completed my maths homework, but nicole havent come yet .
so yeahh, took pictures with xuerong, sky, kian kiat, yang xi and henglin. (:
was damn funny, cause 3 ppl set their phone to self-timer mode at the same time HAHA .
but sadly, within the 3 group photos we've taken.. ii only got the last 2.. cause the first time. ii pressed and ii ran to get into position.. and ii think, nicole gang qiao call me, and so, it seems like, ii gua her dian hua LOL!! sorry larhh =O
hahaha, then ii was taking photo and then nicole suddenly appear LOL!
she was like, bang open the classroom door . (cause it was closed) and ii was like, *ooopps!*
*grabbed my bag and ran out the classroom* shouting, "nicole! let's go!" LOL!!

went to photocopy my pu(s) and then, we went to jp .
very happy sia (: and ii also saw the cute salesmann there HAHA .
when he saw me, he was like looking at me, looking at him . then ii smiled . and he smiled backk LOL! and nicole was like, stunned zhu.. cause she say the guy not cute at all! ): where got..?
okays.. collected my phone and we went to "the wallet shop" to buy a pencil case HAHA . nicole and ii bought the same one . (: cool!
after that, we went to popular to buy the maths book . we wasnt really sure if it was that book.. but, nevermind larhh hor LOL, it looks alike HAHA . and then on the book got no price tag derhhs lehh..
so we just went to pay money together . and then the cashier scanned the book . (uu know ii yi xiang lai also dont see how much it cost derhhs.. somemore ii broke already.. so need use the emergency money, which is like, a $50 note? so it dosent really matter how much the cook cost wadd.. then, of course ii didnt see the price larhh.. LOL.)
so, ii wanted to hand the money to the cashier already and nicole tapped me.. "JENGYU! $16 for 2 books means, $8 for 1 book lehh?"
and ii was like, "mmhmm.. no wrong ahh?" (ii thought she was testing her maths or something LOL)
then she continued, "but mr loke selling us $9.20 each lehh? here only $8 mehh? how can?"
and ii was like, "why cannot? o.o"
and the cashier was like.. looking at us.. so paisehh larhh. so ii wanted to give the money already.
and nicole stopped me, "uu sure this is the correct book anot?"
then ii said, "should be correct larhh . so alike + behind got disk lehh. no wrong derhhs.. (:"
so we finally paid the money LOL .
but yeahh, the price difference is like damn big lehh.. o.o mr loke want scam our money arhh? HAHA .
then when we walked out of the popular, we were still thinking about it.. so ii said, "I KNOW LIAO . mr loke help so many ppl order. need gst mahhs! (: lao shi also need earn money derhhs HAHA."

yeahh, so we headed to mcdonalds... sat there and shared a regular ice lemon tea. (:
took out our pencil case and transfer everything to the brand new one. COOL. hahaha.
yeahh. then we took out the maths book .
Nicole : ii feel like chionging this book now. should we?
Jeng Yu : err.. ii dont think we should.. teacher havent say anything yet..
*flips my organiser* and found out that there is no homework that could be done there.
Jeng Yu : ok fine.. let's do it! (: but later uu might get the shock out of ur life .
**remember that sentence! (:**
*opens to content page*
Jeng Yu : ok.. lets do what teacher teached us already! Expansion and Factorisation of Algedraic Expression! (:
Nicole : ok... page... 33....
*flips flips flips*
Jeng Yu: OH MY GOD!! (ii said that cause ii realise we cant write in the book, cause it was too cramped)
Nicole : OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!
Jeng Yu : *shocked* what happen??
Nicole : OH MY GOD! this is EXACTLY the one ii did in my tution!!
Jeng Yu : *blinks blinks blinks* ohh.. uu really got the shock out of your life HAHA.
and we laughed like madd (:

okays.. after that still got alot funny things larhh . but ii lazy type out lerhhs (:
hmm.. then before we left mcdonalds.. we saw the paper on the tray that says whcih food has how much fats.. so, ii did a calculation on the paper. HAHA . and ii realised.. ii shall not eat anymore today . or not. sure grow fatter HAHA .
nicole and ii had a strike out tmr! (: we shall not eat during recess and lunch . will survive will plain water (:
Nicole : tomorrow must have strike out already!
Jeng Yu : okays!! (: lets not eat . hahaha .
Nicole : but tmr got pe lehh? uu sure complain want drink milo derhhs!
Jeng Yu : *breathes in, breathes out* I WONT! (: promise uu ok? ii will resist the temptation . water is nicer!!
Nicole : okays! we can survive with water derhhs.
Jeng Yu : jiayous to succeed tomorrow!
*shakes hand* LOL

anywayx, TODAY IS THE 28TH OF JANUARY . (: so,
Ferrari took the wraps off the 2010 car! (:
HOHO!! the car looks perfectly nice sia!! it wasnt that bad then the one ii saw on the 2007 car . (:
the white matches perfectly with the cool red car <33F10!!! LOL, 2010 de 10? hahahaha . cute!!! (:

tomorrow, mclaren will unveil their MP4-25! LOL, we shall see what it looks like HAHA.

"走了的东西,我不会再挽留。Never regret your decision (:"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:07 PM

after school.. waited for nicole to sweep hao the classroom floor then, we went to the hostel there. whee~ uu know why we go there? (:
thanks alot to nicole and jiao yang, ii managed to step into H2-6-09! (: *shhh-shhh*

the first thing ii did when ii stepped into the hostel was, "waah? so this is the hostel? so small?"
cause ii was expecting something real big... nicole larhh! she describe until like damn cool like that.. and ii imagined the hostel to look like some cool hotel . LOL, mei xiang dao... it is like that derhs o.o
but ii think its quite cool lorhh, as to, no people to restrict uu to do anything inside.. HAHA, especially when the bed is just right beside the study table and computer ! but nicole, ur room de smell abit weird larhh hor HAHA . ii think, uu should spray more perfume HAHA . but ohh! dont forget, the "friends" de ling yi ban cannot nong dao perfume hor!! (: xi guan jiu hao.. xi guan jiu hao .. =D

ohhh, nicole still say what, it is a must that ii wear her slippers if ii wana walk around the room LOL . so okays lorhh . ii wear! (:
waah, but then, after ii take off the slippers, my socks look damn weird HAHA, or rather, cute! (: between my biggest toe and 2nd toe, the socks got bended in LOL . then nicole and ii were like laughing like madd (:

kays, so after that, we headed to jp . first stop is to fairprice . nicole bought a cheese flavoured pringles for herself to enjoy in her hostel.. and we bought for jiaoyang 2 spooky-bbq flavoured pringles. (: hope she will like it HAHA .
after that, we went to shop shop in jp2 . shi le yi xie yi fu, but they dosent look nice on me sia LOL, and nicole keep telling me somewhere else still got nicer and cheaper derhhs . HAHA . okays lorhh, ii be guai girl girl, ting nicole de hua larhh, so didnt buy any lorhh (:

ohh, and we saw a cool pencil case that cost $22 (: plan to save up money and then buy the same one (:
so tmr hor.. we 2 are gonna be bad to ourselves HAHA .
shall not eat during recess LOL, but since we have geog make-up lesson, we jiang hao le, we will just drink something during lunch . (: treat it as jian fei-ing bahhs ?
then we walked towards the 198 bus lane and then ii suddenly remembered something and said, "ohh, nicole!! but tmr got home econs!! =O how arhhh?"
then she was like, "ohh yarhh hor... how arhh?"
and ii was thinking, home econs = need to eat = break our plan ?
but after awhile, ii suddenly shouted or something, "OHH WAIT! but ii thought we just want to save money? home econs is free of charge derhhs lehh, LOL, so the more recess no need eat (: isnt it good? LOL"
and nicole was like, "ohh yarhh hor!! remembered the wrong aim.. HAHA!!"
and we were like laughing like mad while boarding the bus (:

nicole alighted at school gate, and ii continued my journey home with my music . (:
then when reaching that time, ii saw wei xiong coming down from the second floor LOL! *smiles at each other* and ii thought, thanks god he can still remember me, HAHA (:
then ii suddenly realise my phone not playing any music liao, so ii checked the volume, LOL, cause ii tot is too soft till cant hear HAHA, but is actually my phone battery flat diao. LOL .
and ii was like, what the..? reaching house le, dont give me mian zi ): so fast then flat . haix .
so ii walked home without music accompanying me sia . sadded .
saw wei xiong taking a short cut to ivory heights and it's quite obvious he going auntie de tution mahhs . so ii was like like thinking, "waahh.. he still goes there?"
LOL and then, ii just went home lorhh . dont guan bie ren de shi so much bahhs ? LOL, or not later ppl say ii duo guan xian shi . arghhh.

okays okays. shall end here . cause need chiong homework lerhhs . LOL
will be posting yesterday and today's photo .





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