Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:43 PM
today sucks. cause ii woke up like super early? my alarm rang at 5.45am -.- and then ii realised ii set at the wrong time. then ii reset-ed my alarm and tried to go to sleep again. but, how sad, even though ii am super duper tired, ii just cant go back to sleep ): so ii just lie there, waiting for 6.30 to arrive. but when it finally arrive, ii dont wanna leave my bed LOL .
nevermind larhh. got 1 hour to prepare. so can man man lai. (:
alrights, everything went fine till my father woke up at around 7pm? so here comes the convo .
father : "这么早,你要去哪里??"
(ohhh, cause ii only told my mother where ii am going, ii never tell my father. oops)
me : "friend's house zuo project."
father : "at where?"
me : "aljunied."
father : "ok, 我载你去."
me : "不用啦, 我自己去!"
father : "这么早,等一下被人家抓啊! 我跟你讲,我载你去。"
me : "tskk, 不会被抓的啦!"
(and my mind was like : who want to zhua me? -.-)
father : "等一下,我要载 ah ma 去 temple, 你跟我们。"
me : "在 aljunied lehhh, 这么远, 我自己去 larhh!"
father : "你不要跟我吵!我载你去就是我载你去, ok?"
so ii was like slacking at the dinning table, staring into thin air, waiting for time to pass.
wtf larhh. it seems like forever larhh .
took a glance at the clock - 7.15am (!!)
and here comes the convo in my mind : cannot cannot. ii must find a way to go there by myself! taking the car is ridiculous. cannot listen to music, and somemore, the timing will go upside down. ii will reach aljunied so much earlier then expected. and what? stand there like a lost kid? O:
wait. uu better not siao, ok? uu wont be able to pass O:
aiya, heck larhh! just try. dont tell me uu wanna take the car? -.-
fine. so what's the plan?
*light bulb*
let's just do this.
*evil grin*
*walks to living room, and sent my hp a sms*
few seconds later, *message alert*
*act reading the message*
me : "ohh no! papa, ii forgotten ii need to go commonwealth first to pass my friend something."
father : "waaahhh, 你很麻烦 lehhh."
me : "ohhh, then 我自己去 lorhhh."
father : "uu better shut up!"
emo emo ):
waaahhhh #$%^&*(&^%$#$%^&*@ !
so ii continued sitting on the chair, staring at nothing.
then suddenly, my mama woke up, went to the toilet, and came out with a changed clothing. apparently preparing to go out..?
so ii went into the master bedroom, sat on the table and emo-ed there. sort of plus abit of 撒娇 to my mama larhh xD
me : "mummy, 我要自己去, papa 不让 ):"
mummy : "等一下我载 ah ma 去 temple, 顺便载你去 chinese garden mrt."
me : "你载 ah ma?? papa 讲他载 lehhh."
mummy : "不懂他 larhh, 我载 ."
*brightens up*
me : "OK! 快点快点 (:"
wheeee~~ my mama saved me HAHAHA . ♥♥♥
okays, so, took the mrt to aljunied and reached there at around 8.20am. stood there like a lost kid, waiting for nicole. tskkk, that ah ma arhhh. make ben xiao jie wait so long. xD old liao larhhh tskk tskk. (:
the very last sms ii smsed her was something like this, "nicole, if uu dont come in 1minute time, ii am gonna cry and be reported as a lost kid."
waaahh, then she immediately appear LOL (:
reached her house at about 9am. and started project-ing and camwhoring. (:
alrights. that was in the morning.
and just, just now. my mama, my bro and ii went to auntie shirley (my neighbour/ ex-tution teacher) son's son man yue. my papa didnt go, cause he got cough. then dont want chuan to the baby.
my mama went there with a super big present, and then auntie shirley was like, "aiyo. why uu so luo suo?" her meaing of luo suo damn weird one HAHAHA .
ate super lots there. cause there were simply too many foods.
ohh ii just realised, its a super early dinner. O:
while eating, we 3 got auntie shirley all to ourselves (: she was entertaining us only HAHA, awesome right? yeahh, gossip-ed and laughed alot (: she even 提起往事. tskkk. go say my 丑事 when ii am young. so bad one HAHAHA .
she's very very close to us larhh (: help us water plant when we go msia. and really took care of us when we were young and when my parents were working then got left at home alone. thanks thanks ! (: yeahh, so as uu can see, my 丑事 is only known to her. HAHA, but right, she told like dont know how many ppl lerhhs lorhh. tskkk. so embarrassing. xP
so before we left, auntie shirley insist that we bring some food back for my papa. then my mama was like, "okok, but yi dian dian er yi hor.."
so, she went in to her house and brought a pot out LOL!! then my bro, my mama and ii was like laughing like mad. and then hor, she go scoop like super lots of mi fen.
so, my mother was like, "ok liao. stop stop!"
but she continued scooping. it was real funny seeing both of them fighting over those mi fens. HAHA!!!
so when the pot is full of mi fen. get it right, FULL. O: auntie shirley was like, "okok."
then my mother say, "dou man liao, hai bu ok arhhh?" HAHAHAHAHA! (:
havent end yet! auntie shirley then insisted that we bring some liao4 home for my papa.
so my mama this time scared already. she was like, "ahhhh, okok, wo zi ji na." then when she was taking half-way that time, uncle came and talk to her. then auntie shirley cheng ji go scoop alot alot of liaos4. 2 PLATES FULL sia. zomg. O:
then still not enough wors. she go get another plate and put ALOT of chao fan till the plate is full. and then cover it with another plate. my mother obviously didnt see that, cause she was still talking to uncle.
ii was trying to tell my mother, "look there!" but abit bu qing chu, cause ii was laughing mahhs LOL
then auntie opened the cap to put somemore broccolli. and then this time, my mama saw the plateful of stuffs. and was like, "AIYO. NI GENG LUO SUO."
was damn frigging hilarious larhhh HAHAHAHA (:
so end up, my home now got alot foods. zomg O:
P.S. so tired. yesterday slept at around 1am, then today woke up sooo early ):
Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:10 PM
"多珍惜,多小心,只是最后我们还是没有在一起。"how ii wish life were like the past. if they never change, would they be better? but that's impossible.
there are so many undone stuffs with uu. just how can uu leave?
rewind this life. rewind this story. rewind this movie. ii promise ii'll cherish everything more than before.
ii've gave so many chances. yet, there's no reply. there's no way ii can wait forever, ii know. cause there's one day, ii will stop thinking of you. and thats when ii'll smile without uu.
just hate myself for taking everything for granted. regretted for not doing what now ii thought ii should have done.
Thursday, February 25, 2010 3:50 PM
"往事重提是折磨。"hello. (: today was awesome, ii dont know why LOL.
jiaqi emo-ed at the start of the day. aww. was like soooo scary larhh. cause she always like those kind of super happy super high people derhhs. then suddenly quiet quiet, very abnormal sia. okays, nevermind, TAN JIA QI. you better not emo lerhh hor (:
hug hug (:
home econs ! ♥ although the teacher today pi qi not that good huh, but ii still like that lesson HAHA. our pair ftw! (:
ohhh, mr loke say we'll be getting our maths back tomorrow O: *faints*
ii got a feeling my whole ca1 results will be super super super screwed >.<
but science's awesome LOL. ii think ii would love science lessons from now on. COOL (:
although that wont change the fact that ii would fail my science prac -.-
ok, shall not talk about that anymore. LOL, NEXT! CID!! ♥ ohh that awesome groupp (: thursday's just that perfect day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8:56 PM
hello. ii just didnt clear my email for so long, it reached 500 -.- LOL oh my goshh, ii am like, mass deleting them now? O:
okays, ii lazy post already. cause ii know if ii continue typing, it'll be full of crap. go nicole's blog to see wad happened today bahhs?
P.S. waaahhhh. pain pain!! NICOLE~! SIXIN~! save me~! O:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:11 PM
但现在没有你,却还想靠着你。变了心的人,越想越伤人。"when can uu get lost and leave me alone? O: shoooo shooo, uu are not welcome! >.<
P.S. ohh, look at the time of this post o.o
Monday, February 22, 2010 6:11 PM
hello hello! (:
today was screwed larhh . as usual, super pissed with the aesthetics teacher. O: walao, super hate him sia! roars. now my feet still hurts! O: damn him damn him damn him LOL . okays, whatever, so everything is least important than his stuffs -.-
then then, english test was quite ok for spelling and multiple choice LOL, but go further down then mati liao >.< walao, ii got study derhhs lorhh. realy! ): tskkk. ii think my english zhu ding is suck crap one lorhh O:
nevermind about that! cause my oral presentation got 21/30! whheehh, can see that ii'm quite satisfied hor? (:
hahaha, okays okays, still got what..?
ohh science practical test today. >.< die le larhhh. ii didnt draw the stupid table sia. *&^%$#@!* ohh my goshh. the question didnt even write larhh, so ii assume no need lorhh? =( so now, *boom* 5 marks gone . ii never even have the time to say sayonara to it larhh, then it fly away already. O: ok, ii know ii am just plain stupid ): arghhhh.
hmm, then, chinese ahhh... ermm. nothing happen nothing happen xP
ohhh, then just now. cause my grandma want to loosen a pants. but she cant see the string. apparently, cause it's too small? hmmm. then she ask me go help her. then do do do, prick dao myself >.< waahh. pain pain ): now my thumb feels numb. goshhh. today just isnt my day.
ahhh nevermind. that's just an excuse. ii just totally failed at housework! ):
that day come back from malaysia. my bro and ii was supposed to mop the floor. ii was in charge of the living room and dinning room, and my bro was in charge of all the rooms. and then, ii dont even know how to squeeze the stupid water out larhh. walao, damn failed sia >.< make until the whole living room like super wet like that O: end up my bro need to come and teach me LOL.
and after all of that. my bro ask me to go clear the water and put the mop back, which is like HUH? ii was standing in the toilet . LOST. and my bro standing outside giving instructions O:
like wad. pour the water into the toilet bowl. but it was too late larhh. ii poured it on the floor -.- alamak! but that wasnt a major problem. so nevermind hehehe. and after ii washed the mop. my bro ask me to leave it in the store room. then ii was holding it upside down . and staring at the whole lots of water dripping onto the toilet floor. and ii ask my bro, "how am ii suppose to bring this out? later the floor wet wet." goshh. ii feel so dumb. my bro was like, "ni zhen de mei you zuo jia shi de lehh!" HAHA. O:
- okays. the end for today. -
P.S. I VERY HUNGRY LOL. my lunch was just 1/10 of nicole's bread, 1 sip of nicole's milo, 10 pieces of biscuit and a cup of milk, O:
wait stop! it seems like ii've eaten alot O: goshhh. ii shouldnt be hungry now, right? hmmmmphs.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:25 PM
because we are the best of friends.
because we share all our "secrets".because ii am who ii am with you.and just because you are always my talking partner.a person whom ii will never stop telling stuffs to.a person whom ii know ii can definitely trust to.a person whom ii know will always stand with me .a person whom ii know will lend a listening ear to me.that person is you! (:you know that's you. yeshh, and because of all of that. ii will not let you wander around aimlessly.confused.ii will, bring you out of this.cause, remember.we'll face all this all together (:
2:18 PM
still got more photos?

Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:43 PM
today sucks. cause ii woke up like super early? my alarm rang at 5.45am -.- and then ii realised ii set at the wrong time. then ii reset-ed my alarm and tried to go to sleep again. but, how sad, even though ii am super duper tired, ii just cant go back to sleep ): so ii just lie there, waiting for 6.30 to arrive. but when it finally arrive, ii dont wanna leave my bed LOL .
nevermind larhh. got 1 hour to prepare. so can man man lai. (:
alrights, everything went fine till my father woke up at around 7pm? so here comes the convo .
father : "这么早,你要去哪里??"
(ohhh, cause ii only told my mother where ii am going, ii never tell my father. oops)
me : "friend's house zuo project."
father : "at where?"
me : "aljunied."
father : "ok, 我载你去."
me : "不用啦, 我自己去!"
father : "这么早,等一下被人家抓啊! 我跟你讲,我载你去。"
me : "tskk, 不会被抓的啦!"
(and my mind was like : who want to zhua me? -.-)
father : "等一下,我要载 ah ma 去 temple, 你跟我们。"
me : "在 aljunied lehhh, 这么远, 我自己去 larhh!"
father : "你不要跟我吵!我载你去就是我载你去, ok?"
so ii was like slacking at the dinning table, staring into thin air, waiting for time to pass.
wtf larhh. it seems like forever larhh .
took a glance at the clock - 7.15am (!!)
and here comes the convo in my mind : cannot cannot. ii must find a way to go there by myself! taking the car is ridiculous. cannot listen to music, and somemore, the timing will go upside down. ii will reach aljunied so much earlier then expected. and what? stand there like a lost kid? O:
wait. uu better not siao, ok? uu wont be able to pass O:
aiya, heck larhh! just try. dont tell me uu wanna take the car? -.-
fine. so what's the plan?
*light bulb*
let's just do this.
*evil grin*
*walks to living room, and sent my hp a sms*
few seconds later, *message alert*
*act reading the message*
me : "ohh no! papa, ii forgotten ii need to go commonwealth first to pass my friend something."
father : "waaahhh, 你很麻烦 lehhh."
me : "ohhh, then 我自己去 lorhhh."
father : "uu better shut up!"
emo emo ):
waaahhhh #$%^&*(&^%$#$%^&*@ !
so ii continued sitting on the chair, staring at nothing.
then suddenly, my mama woke up, went to the toilet, and came out with a changed clothing. apparently preparing to go out..?
so ii went into the master bedroom, sat on the table and emo-ed there. sort of plus abit of 撒娇 to my mama larhh xD
me : "mummy, 我要自己去, papa 不让 ):"
mummy : "等一下我载 ah ma 去 temple, 顺便载你去 chinese garden mrt."
me : "你载 ah ma?? papa 讲他载 lehhh."
mummy : "不懂他 larhh, 我载 ."
*brightens up*
me : "OK! 快点快点 (:"
wheeee~~ my mama saved me HAHAHA . ♥♥♥
okays, so, took the mrt to aljunied and reached there at around 8.20am. stood there like a lost kid, waiting for nicole. tskkk, that ah ma arhhh. make ben xiao jie wait so long. xD old liao larhhh tskk tskk. (:
the very last sms ii smsed her was something like this, "nicole, if uu dont come in 1minute time, ii am gonna cry and be reported as a lost kid."
waaahh, then she immediately appear LOL (:
reached her house at about 9am. and started project-ing and camwhoring. (:
alrights. that was in the morning.
and just, just now. my mama, my bro and ii went to auntie shirley (my neighbour/ ex-tution teacher) son's son man yue. my papa didnt go, cause he got cough. then dont want chuan to the baby.
my mama went there with a super big present, and then auntie shirley was like, "aiyo. why uu so luo suo?" her meaing of luo suo damn weird one HAHAHA .
ate super lots there. cause there were simply too many foods.
ohh ii just realised, its a super early dinner. O:
while eating, we 3 got auntie shirley all to ourselves (: she was entertaining us only HAHA, awesome right? yeahh, gossip-ed and laughed alot (: she even 提起往事. tskkk. go say my 丑事 when ii am young. so bad one HAHAHA .
she's very very close to us larhh (: help us water plant when we go msia. and really took care of us when we were young and when my parents were working then got left at home alone. thanks thanks ! (: yeahh, so as uu can see, my 丑事 is only known to her. HAHA, but right, she told like dont know how many ppl lerhhs lorhh. tskkk. so embarrassing. xP
so before we left, auntie shirley insist that we bring some food back for my papa. then my mama was like, "okok, but yi dian dian er yi hor.."
so, she went in to her house and brought a pot out LOL!! then my bro, my mama and ii was like laughing like mad. and then hor, she go scoop like super lots of mi fen.
so, my mother was like, "ok liao. stop stop!"
but she continued scooping. it was real funny seeing both of them fighting over those mi fens. HAHA!!!
so when the pot is full of mi fen. get it right, FULL. O: auntie shirley was like, "okok."
then my mother say, "dou man liao, hai bu ok arhhh?" HAHAHAHAHA! (:
havent end yet! auntie shirley then insisted that we bring some liao4 home for my papa.
so my mama this time scared already. she was like, "ahhhh, okok, wo zi ji na." then when she was taking half-way that time, uncle came and talk to her. then auntie shirley cheng ji go scoop alot alot of liaos4. 2 PLATES FULL sia. zomg. O:
then still not enough wors. she go get another plate and put ALOT of chao fan till the plate is full. and then cover it with another plate. my mother obviously didnt see that, cause she was still talking to uncle.
ii was trying to tell my mother, "look there!" but abit bu qing chu, cause ii was laughing mahhs LOL
then auntie opened the cap to put somemore broccolli. and then this time, my mama saw the plateful of stuffs. and was like, "AIYO. NI GENG LUO SUO."
was damn frigging hilarious larhhh HAHAHAHA (:
so end up, my home now got alot foods. zomg O:
P.S. so tired. yesterday slept at around 1am, then today woke up sooo early ):
Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:10 PM
"多珍惜,多小心,只是最后我们还是没有在一起。"how ii wish life were like the past. if they never change, would they be better? but that's impossible.
there are so many undone stuffs with uu. just how can uu leave?
rewind this life. rewind this story. rewind this movie. ii promise ii'll cherish everything more than before.
ii've gave so many chances. yet, there's no reply. there's no way ii can wait forever, ii know. cause there's one day, ii will stop thinking of you. and thats when ii'll smile without uu.
just hate myself for taking everything for granted. regretted for not doing what now ii thought ii should have done.
Thursday, February 25, 2010 3:50 PM
"往事重提是折磨。"hello. (: today was awesome, ii dont know why LOL.
jiaqi emo-ed at the start of the day. aww. was like soooo scary larhh. cause she always like those kind of super happy super high people derhhs. then suddenly quiet quiet, very abnormal sia. okays, nevermind, TAN JIA QI. you better not emo lerhh hor (:
hug hug (:
home econs ! ♥ although the teacher today pi qi not that good huh, but ii still like that lesson HAHA. our pair ftw! (:
ohhh, mr loke say we'll be getting our maths back tomorrow O: *faints*
ii got a feeling my whole ca1 results will be super super super screwed >.<
but science's awesome LOL. ii think ii would love science lessons from now on. COOL (:
although that wont change the fact that ii would fail my science prac -.-
ok, shall not talk about that anymore. LOL, NEXT! CID!! ♥ ohh that awesome groupp (: thursday's just that perfect day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8:56 PM
hello. ii just didnt clear my email for so long, it reached 500 -.- LOL oh my goshh, ii am like, mass deleting them now? O:
okays, ii lazy post already. cause ii know if ii continue typing, it'll be full of crap. go nicole's blog to see wad happened today bahhs?
P.S. waaahhhh. pain pain!! NICOLE~! SIXIN~! save me~! O:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:11 PM
但现在没有你,却还想靠着你。变了心的人,越想越伤人。"when can uu get lost and leave me alone? O: shoooo shooo, uu are not welcome! >.<
P.S. ohh, look at the time of this post o.o
Monday, February 22, 2010 6:11 PM
hello hello! (:
today was screwed larhh . as usual, super pissed with the aesthetics teacher. O: walao, super hate him sia! roars. now my feet still hurts! O: damn him damn him damn him LOL . okays, whatever, so everything is least important than his stuffs -.-
then then, english test was quite ok for spelling and multiple choice LOL, but go further down then mati liao >.< walao, ii got study derhhs lorhh. realy! ): tskkk. ii think my english zhu ding is suck crap one lorhh O:
nevermind about that! cause my oral presentation got 21/30! whheehh, can see that ii'm quite satisfied hor? (:
hahaha, okays okays, still got what..?
ohh science practical test today. >.< die le larhhh. ii didnt draw the stupid table sia. *&^%$#@!* ohh my goshh. the question didnt even write larhh, so ii assume no need lorhh? =( so now, *boom* 5 marks gone . ii never even have the time to say sayonara to it larhh, then it fly away already. O: ok, ii know ii am just plain stupid ): arghhhh.
hmm, then, chinese ahhh... ermm. nothing happen nothing happen xP
ohhh, then just now. cause my grandma want to loosen a pants. but she cant see the string. apparently, cause it's too small? hmmm. then she ask me go help her. then do do do, prick dao myself >.< waahh. pain pain ): now my thumb feels numb. goshhh. today just isnt my day.
ahhh nevermind. that's just an excuse. ii just totally failed at housework! ):
that day come back from malaysia. my bro and ii was supposed to mop the floor. ii was in charge of the living room and dinning room, and my bro was in charge of all the rooms. and then, ii dont even know how to squeeze the stupid water out larhh. walao, damn failed sia >.< make until the whole living room like super wet like that O: end up my bro need to come and teach me LOL.
and after all of that. my bro ask me to go clear the water and put the mop back, which is like HUH? ii was standing in the toilet . LOST. and my bro standing outside giving instructions O:
like wad. pour the water into the toilet bowl. but it was too late larhh. ii poured it on the floor -.- alamak! but that wasnt a major problem. so nevermind hehehe. and after ii washed the mop. my bro ask me to leave it in the store room. then ii was holding it upside down . and staring at the whole lots of water dripping onto the toilet floor. and ii ask my bro, "how am ii suppose to bring this out? later the floor wet wet." goshh. ii feel so dumb. my bro was like, "ni zhen de mei you zuo jia shi de lehh!" HAHA. O:
- okays. the end for today. -
P.S. I VERY HUNGRY LOL. my lunch was just 1/10 of nicole's bread, 1 sip of nicole's milo, 10 pieces of biscuit and a cup of milk, O:
wait stop! it seems like ii've eaten alot O: goshhh. ii shouldnt be hungry now, right? hmmmmphs.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:25 PM
because we are the best of friends.
because we share all our "secrets".because ii am who ii am with you.and just because you are always my talking partner.a person whom ii will never stop telling stuffs to.a person whom ii know ii can definitely trust to.a person whom ii know will always stand with me .a person whom ii know will lend a listening ear to me.that person is you! (:you know that's you. yeshh, and because of all of that. ii will not let you wander around aimlessly.confused.ii will, bring you out of this.cause, remember.we'll face all this all together (:
2:18 PM
still got more photos?