sometimes, it's better to not know




Friday, April 30, 2010 9:01 PM

ahhh, my foot. shang hen lei lei. LOL. the sentence of the day xD painn sia, all those stupid blisters. ): thanks pe ahh, thanks.
anyways, history test today is omg la. ii dont get what's the seq talking about. wait, ii mean ii know. but ii dont know what we are supposed to do! and ii suppose, we didnt learn about the 3rd factor right? x.x kays, prepared to die .

P.S. do you know you suck?

Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:32 PM

where's that passion? it's just a few months. and ii dont believe all this had changed. so, ii'm finding them back. ii am, and ii will. just like ii can. you know ii can. xD
cause, they are the only things that ii will fight for. (:

ii'm hanging on to the last thing ii want to have.
and that's you.

ohh, felipe baby, stay cool stay cool! (:


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:30 PM

no, that's not the end. you know you can keep going ! just bear this 1 year. ii'm sure you can pull it through. cause, you wont forget her promise to you, and your promise to her, yeahh? jiayous! (:
keep that bright smile on your face. not for me, but for her. because she love it, remember? (:
with love, you can. xD

wow, look at those ferraris. look so awesome... *mesmerized* will ii ever get one like that?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:42 PM

hello! xD ii had been eating and eating and eating alot alot alot of food nowadays. ok, seriously. ii did. at home xD BUT. ii did not gain weight. and, surprisingly, ii lost 2kg LOL -stunned-
nevermind, today, ii realised, we can be as awesome as what ii'd never think of ^.^ love you guys ttm! SX(JY)2ML, ♥ HAHA. ii think that's awesome. (: maybe, ii can get something cool . LOL, see firsttt.
hmmm, anywayx, sixin, ii love your pianoooeyyy LOL, nice nice (: we'll go your house someday to sleepover? HAHA! xD

Monday, April 26, 2010 8:54 PM

ohhh goddd, ii got a bad feeling ii spoilt my phone AGAIN ! -.- wthh.
ii think, ii should just go and extend my phone warranty to another year. the current one end at august this year. but after this year's august, ii still have to live with this phone of mine, for another 1 year (at least?) to get a new phone. yeahh, so, ii think, ii would rather pay 60 dollars now to extend the warranty till my phone contract ends, than fainting after seeing the billS, if my phone ever spoils again after my warranty expire, which is highly possible, looking at the number of times ii sent it for repair in just a few months? o.o but ii really didnt mishandle it or something leh. ii thought ii've treated it very VERY well already. although ii must admit ii've dropped it before. but once or twice only lehh (after the last time it was sent to the hospital?), ii mean, who wont drop their phone by accident la? it just... slipped off... >.< !
ok, but this time, ii wont tell my father anymore, seriously. although it indirectly means that ii will have no spare phone, but ii'd rather not tell la! or else, ii will die real terribly o.o and he will seriously hate sony ericsson to the core. ii mean. ya, and those naggings. whooshh ): ii think ii would prefer suffering for a few days without a phone, than, DIE. LOL.

4th time, in just less than 7 months. wow.
ii think my phone just dont like me, like they never did ): nobody does.

8:16 PM

ahh, my godd, the stupid plaster is stuck to my leg, and it just cant seem to come out ! hurts like crap just trying to pull it out. O: ii think it's on my leg for almost a day, that's why LOL, serve me right for being such a piggg. got so lazy, that ii didnt even wanna pluck it out, which might take only let's than a minute or so? x.x

no matter how much ii tried to let go, it just wont leave me. ii wouldnt believe it myself how one person can affect my life so damn lot, but ii guess ii gotta try harder. ii really wish ii had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. but ii can’t, because ii know you won't come after me, after that. and ii guess, that's what hurts the most..? ii thought that if ii start thinking of all the times when you suck real lot, it would make me feel like you are not that worth it after all, like what others think. but it didn't. because all the times ii could remember, were the ones when you showed me that you cared.. ii didn't want to believe that you ever did. but, the truth is, you did.

maybe, ii've just gotta try harder .
they will fade away soon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010 6:34 PM

thanks laopo for making today an awesome day ! (:
hope felipe have a great time at monaco with his family too! xD really wanna know what they did over there. anyone have any news or what? o.o

anywayx. today, nicole and ii met some weird guy. ii dont get it why, when you already have a gf, you still want to go around asking for random girl's number? wth, total jerk.
ahh, and ii really love kids. especially those cute cute toddlers HAHA. randomness. (:
conclusion of my day:
walked alone around je -> met nicole at jp -> made cake -> went vivo -> eat cake -> play with water -> met some jerks -> went bugis street to walk -> homed xD

OMG! my cousin damn funny. jj lin is singing a song in this hong xin da jiang show. dont know simi song lai de. then it's like damn high pitch.
then my cousin say, "为什么要选唱一首不好听,有这么难唱的歌?" and then, all of us were like laughing?
sing sing sing sing sing. then she say, "aiya, 不要睬他了。" and then she went to do her stuffs. so funny la ! HAHAHAHA. xD

12:00 AM

12am, on the dot!
was purely staring at the clock for the past 2 minutes ! xD ii love you ttm . muackks. HAHA.
good luck in spain! own alonso, okays? ^.^
the best,
in my heart,
jiayous jiayous ! (:
ohhh, felipe baby, stay cool stay cool, we'll bring the cake in for youu. xDD
that's what ii'll eat in 12 hours time ! (: enjoy your wonderful birthday ! ^.^

Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:54 PM

took from laopo's blog ^.^ cause ii nothing to do now HAHA. and apparantly, waiting for 12 midnight! (:

1) What is the subject you hate the most?
ENGLISH. ii think? wait no, history? x.x history rep hate history (Y)

2) What happened at 10a.m today?
ohh, ii was awake ! eating lor mee ii guess?

3) When did u last cry?
hmmm, when? cant remember la?

4) What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
bread . xD

5) What do you want in your life now?
alot stuffs. if you are not gonna give me, then dont ask =D

6) Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up with a hood?
ii walk under the rain? LOL. do ii look like ii will bring an umbrella everywhere ii go? O:

7) Who do you hate?
nobody..? ii guess..? ok wait. there is LOL.

8) What is your favourite thing to put on your bed?
pillow? xD

9) What bottom are you wearing now?
pants, durhh?

10) What is the nicest thing in your inbox and by who?
by alot alot alot of people la xD

11) Do you wish to make your relationship complicated?

12) Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone?

13) What is the last movie you caught?
wow, let me think. that was like how long ago already la omg. was it avatar?

14) Wat is the oldest message in your inbox n by who?
dont know la, lazy check LOL

15) What are you proud of?
felipe massa (:

16) What was the last song you sang out loud?
some random chinese song. cant remember, although it's jusst a few minutes ago? LOL

17) Do you have a nickname?
yeshhh -.-

18) What does your last received message say?
told you ii lazy check liao lorhh !

19) What time did you go to school yesterday?
ehh, ermmm. normal time? 6.45?

20) Are you currently happy?
not so, but HAH, it's felipe's birthday tomorrow (:

21) Who gives you best advice?
some people? LOL

22) Do u eat whipped cream right out of a can?
huh? no?

23) Who did you last talk on the phone with?
ermm.. who ahh? ohh, gavin? o.o

24) Is anything bugging you now?
nahhh. just hope that time can really fly, and 12am will reach. O:

25) Who/What was the last person who made you laugh?
ii dont know la (dont feel like thinking now x.x)

26) Do u wear Toe Shoes?
huh? what's toe shoes? only the toe wearing the shoe? LOLL

27) Who was the last person you had a missed call from?
ermmm.. who ahh? (stop asking questions that need me to think hard, and make me feel like, ahh, ii am gonna die soon o.o)

28) Have you ever had your heart broken?
you think lehh?

29) Who annoys you the most?

30) Do you have a crush on anyone now?
dont know?

31) Have you ever done cocaine?
what's that?

32) What's the colour of your room?
white la, LOL. you dont expect it to be red, dont you? xD then ii will be angry the whole time.

33) Would you kill someone for a billion dollars?
NO! (: ii am a very vvery very good person. dont kill (:

34) Do u believe in saying talk is cheap?
huh? what's that?

35) Who was the last person to lie on your bed?
no one. cause ii am scared of my brother! my bed de wood below it might just break HAHA!

36) Who was the last person who hugged you?
ii hugged countless of people, tell me, how do ii remember? LOL

37) What do you want to say to the person you have a crush on?

38) Do you have a life?
yeahh? ermm.. wait, no? ohh, yeshh (:

39) Have you ever thought that someone had died when he didn't?
LOL. no bahhs, ii guess?

40) What the reason behind your blog song?
now no have blog song le (:

41) Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
ii dont remember my dreams de lorhh LOL

****** HOLY ! ii saw 11.11 twice today ! LOL. both in the morning and now. awesome!! (: ******
randomness, cause ii just saw 11.11 HAHA.

42) When was the last time you smile?
ii smile everyday LOL

43) What are you listening to now?
people shouting? dont know la o.o so late le, still so noisy. tskkk. inconsiderate !

44) Have you changed this year?
ermm.. think so?

45) Are you talking to someone else while doing this?
jiale and yangkun?

46) Do you walk with your eyes open or close?

47) Is there a quote by your living?
ii will be better off without you.
if ii've made a mistake, ii made a mistake. if you are still not happy, that's your problem, and that's it. (from felipe ^.^)

48) Do you want something you don't have?
yeahh, alot alot !

49) Have you ever played an instrument?
yuppp, alot too HAHA. dizi, currently? (:

51) What were you doing last night at 11pm?
SLEEPING! ii told you ii wanna grow taller (:
today's an exception, for felipe. xD (no wonder my mother says ii am crazy)

52) Are you happy with your love life now?

53) What song describes your love life?
alot. LOL

54) Does that person you love know you like him/her?

55) Who always make u laugh?
dont know? random people ^.^

56) Do you speak other languages?
restricted to 2 languages only x.x

57) Are you blonde?
noppex. hope ii was?

58) What is your middle name?
which is middle?

59) What are you doing tmr?
CELEBRATE FELIPE'S BIRTHDAY WITH LAOPO. (my ultimate reason for doing this quiz LOL, which takes so long, and ii am STILL here? -.-)

60) What do you think you are?
weird girl.

61) Who do you choose to die with?
ermm. ii dont know la.

62) Where have you been today?
jp, imm, tuitions, and ya.

63) What games do you play often?
dont really paly games nowadays. OHH, SOLITAIRE, when ii am EXTREMELY bored.

64) Who are you missing now?

65) What are you doing now?
trying to complete this quiz, while replying to flashing msn chats. LOL

66) Which primary school were you from?
FHPS ! (:

67) Who will you choose, friends or love?
aww, hard to choose. x.x

68) Who are you missing now?
EHH, harloww? uu asked it a minute or so, ago ! memory failure huh?

69) What emotion do you like to show people?
dont know lehh?

70) What is your life to you?
ups and downs, but they dont seems to be going up right now ):

71) If you have something troubling you now, what will you do?
find sixin !! (:

72) Who did you last chat on MSN today?
cant remember? LOL, the same old people?

73) Who do you admire the most ?
alot people la o.o

74) Which month were you born in?
JULY! (:
15th is a great day. but 25th isnt. ):

75) How are you feeling now?

76) What time is it now?
11.25pm, just reminds me, that, its just 35 minutes to go !

77) Where are you now?
at home?

78) What colour would you like to dye your hair?
ermmm.. that goldenish colour? ii dont know what's that colour, but it looks cool.

79)Why are you doing this?
cause ii am bored? waiting for 12 to arrive ! (:

80) What do you do when you feel moody?
DIES. and then, find sixin ! (:

81) At what age do you want to get married?
anytime. (: when ii found that guyy. LOL

82) Who is more important?
dont know?

83) Do you have enough confidence?
maybe? maybe not.

84) Who is the person you trust the most?

85) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
dont think so..

86) If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
nahh, it wont come true ): never had it. and never will it.

87) What are your goal for this year?
ii am gonna forget him.

88) Do you believe in internal life?

89) What do you love?
alot alot alot of things (:

90) Do you believe in global warming?
yeahhh. ):

91) What feeling do you hate the most?

92) Do you treasure every single friendship of your's?
yeahh, if they are great?

93) Do you give up 2nd chances easily?

94) Who cares for you the most?
dont know? people who care for me?

95) What do you think is your most important thing in your life?

96) What would you bring when you fight?
a knife. (who wanna fight with me? xD)

97) What is the thing you regret?
what do you think?

98) What will you feel when nobody cares about you?

99) What if your stead two-timed u?
f you.

100) Do you still love your ex?
>.< !

ok. it's 11.31pm now. 29minutes to go ! (:

10:47 PM

just when can ii stop being like this?
ii need more time.

P.S. it's 1hour and 14more minutes to go. (:

10:47 AM

Happy Birthday, JiaQi ! (:
another year older. xD makes me feel so young, haha!

ohh and, tomorrow's Massa's Birthday !!
nicole, must remember hor ! hehe.

anywayx, today ii woke up like super early la. got cheng jiu gan LOLL.
is 9.30 counted early..?

Friday, April 23, 2010 8:18 PM

Felipe Massa's Birthday !! (:

so cool so cool xDD going to celebrate it with laopo! (: although she is not a great fan of felipe, but ii am ! ^.^ thank you laopo for pei-ing me do this kind of stuffs, ♥ thought of buying a cake last year, but ii didnt, cause it was on a saturday, and ii have tuitionss. ): so this year, ii am so gonna make it ! HAHA!
when ii told my mama that, she was like, "你朋友跟你一起 siao liao la.. 去庆祝一个根本不认识的人!my birthday and mother's day, also no present lorhh ! tskk, 神经病。"
oh my godd la, where got 神经病 lahh? last time cause no $$ mahhs, now have liao. plus ii already planned to buy something for your bday lerhh ^.^
okays, omg. ii cant wait for sunday to arrive (:

P.S. ii thought of you today. >< !

Thursday, April 22, 2010 9:05 PM

ii heard someone's heart break, yet hurts so much more. but ii just cant do anything. feel so helpless when she's so sad x.x ii hope ii can help a little here and there, but it just seems like she dosent need it. maybe ii shall just lend her my ears, not my mouth. cause she has others. ohh, yes. other, that she might think that would be more appealing..? but it's alright. darling, we'll all have to pass this stage somehow, just like ii did. brace yourself up (: he's not your everything.
ii finally get it. next time must really 听老人言 already. cause ii realised. 老人=好人 . (:

P.S. maybe you dont need me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3:48 PM

waah omg. lightning after lightning. thunder after thunder. some never ending roaring and busting. so scary.. ii would have just shut this comp up, but ii decided ii should not. or boredom would really shang men lai zhao wo x.x

havent bathe yet after my run. *pooshh* ii am smelly~ xD
not enough ii guess.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:05 PM

SIXIN ! ii really like every session of heart-to-heart talk with you HAHA, like, ii can really confide all my stuffs to you like that lorhhh (: it's like.. some stuffs ii cant really tell others about, but to you, ii dont think that is necessary la xD (hmm, but rachael is not bad too . can say almost everything la, just that, dont have the right mood and atmosphere. ohh, class outing that day actually ii got alot things to blabbered derhhs, but, was too into it, so shuo bu chu kou x.x) ahh, but nevermind, LOLL, talking partners are seriously just some perfect someone to support each other .
ohhh, you are simply awesome ! (:
our problems, will be solved with our sexy power ^.^

P.S. laopolaopo. if sunday cake cannot eat finish how? xD

Monday, April 19, 2010 9:29 PM

sometimes i just dont get how people see things. i mean, i dont see which part of him is good la ! he's totally selfish and inconsiderate, i dont see why people say he is the best. he's just a driver that totally lack of teamwork spirit. we fans (let's strike out alonso's fans) should have had known it from the start. who vowed that there will be no prejudice? who promised that history would not repeat itself? ahh-well, you guys are so disappointing . just because he is a 2-timed world champion, vs-ing a guy that fought for the championship for twice without achieving it before? what a scam. it's plain biasness. ii say, audacious !
and you you you you you! if you dont want to criticize them jiu suan, but stop blaming yourself ! ): it's not your fault ! no no, hell no. dont side them anymore.
reliability is dropping hell lot -.- ii wonder how you guys can still sit there happily, as if nothing had happened ! wake up people. see how others are catching up? and pleased? ohh, come on ! must we always let that guy get his way in the team and the team obeying to his orders? no, you dont understand how he feels .
no problemms between them? HA! but there's big problem between their fans. LOLL.

P.S. you arent giving him up, are you?

9:03 PM

hmm.. spent most of the day with rachael today (: was quite shushhh before swmming . nahhs, but R&J gan qing wont dan so fast de lorhh. it will last forever and ever de mahhs xD
but after swimmming jiu got abit more high already la. for no reasons? LOLL. kayy la. gossip-ed alot. and ahh-wells, she's just... hmm.. great to talk to ? ^.^ and it's like super different from the first impression ii had on her la (: at least, ii didnt expect to be so close to her lorhh. HAHA, some random years .
ahhhh, my romeo..


P.P.S. ii wanna eat a ham . (:

Sunday, April 18, 2010 6:01 PM

sixin ! faster online lehh ! O: ii've got so much to say.

4:01 PM

-.- ii am damn pissed off now. ferrari's loser today . you screwed him up ! zz.

所谓人非圣贤,孰能无过。 learn from your mistake bahhs ! (:
felipe, must fight your way up again ^.^ ferrari, jiayous for constructor's championship fight with mclaren ! (:

Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:49 PM

hello hello hello (: just ate my dinner. =D
today, before maths tuition, went to walk around jp and imm and je? from 12+ walk till 2pm+ like that then go tuition lorhh. so sian la HAHA. when ii was walking towards imm that time, ii saw sixin, antoinette, wang qing and someone (?) hmm, dont know who la LOL,
asked sixin where they were going two times, but ii still didnt get what she said LOL, the only thing ii heard was raffles something. aiya, dont know la. HAHA, but ii just dont feel like asking le lorhh, so just leave it xD, maybe ii will ask her later on msn, (like what she asked me to?)
kayys, tuition was weird, yet not so weird. LOL, ii dont know la. change teacher then the whole atmosphere there was like. weird. LOL, okays, nevermind xD

hmmm.. my brother didnt message me anything about the results of the qualifying and practice 3 la ! how evil! ii zai san de ti xing ta to sms me sms me sms me. ta jiu shi never lorhh ! tskk, badddie. ):
but it's ok, cause ii got my news from somewhere else ^.^ thank youu. (:
if ii didnt remember wrongly, 1st was vettel, 2nd webber, 3rd alonso, 4th nico, 6th hammy, 7th massa? arghhh. not very desirable as what he said. but nevermind ! it's on the clean side man, ferraris~ (: jiayous jiayous for tomorrow ^.^ you can do it, felipe ! (: love ya ^.^
okays. reached home. and got the news that the mclarens were on wet setups o.o so the very very very qi guai la. hmmm. ok la. good luck to you. ii hope it dont rain tomorrow ^.^

cause ii was using his comp to go on facebook for a few minutes or so before we go to chinese tuition mahhhs. then he asked me if ii wanna buy the heart 2 heart campaign keychain, for charity (cause he is a st.john mem?). then he told me he bought two, so ii must buy one. LOL, so ii was like, "ohh, 2 huh, one for me? one for you? then ii no need buy le lorhh ^.^"
then he said he give it to his friend as birthday present, as what his friend requested ! LOL, what a bday present mannn. HAHAHA (Y)
then ii continued using the comp. and he went to take 2 dollars out from my piggy bank la and then send the keychain flying to me LOL! then he took out the red paper inside the plastic bag to fold it in to a love shape that looks like weirddd love HAHA. omg, ii dont know what ii am talking about xD lalalalala, and still got wad free voucher for 1 salad at the dont know where, which he told me that the salad suposedly cost 12 dollars? o.o dont know la. LOL
and then, he even ask me to help him sell la ! omg HAHA.
kays so now, WHICH KIND SOUL WANT TO BUY THAT CUTE CUTE KEY CHAIN (not that cute, but ahhhs-well LOL), FOR 2 DOLLARS. GOT FREE VOCHER ^.^

kays, byes, going tuition =D


yoyoyo~! back from cl tuition.
okays, just now ii rushed through to type finish that post. but ahh. my brother told me it's a salad from swensens voucher (whatever you spell that). =D tell me if you want ^.^

Friday, April 16, 2010 10:03 PM

ahhh ohh no. something that shouldnt happen, just happened x.x

8:40 PM

oh. my. god. NICOLE. RACHAEL. SIXIN. HOW? o.o (kays nevermind, tell you all some fine day.)
anywayx, today is quite an ok day. ii feel super full, ii dont know why, even when ii didnt eat recess and lunch.. and err, dinner? but ii am full lehh. ii mean, 3 oreos can really last uu for really longg. LOL.
and and. my hair is screwed la LOL, gonna cut them on sunday ii guess? xD
okays nevermind. omg omg. today's practice is so omg-ishhh. what happened? =(

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 8:12 PM

you are incomparable . tell me how x.x

sixin, ii need you.
thanks alot (:

Monday, April 12, 2010 8:11 PM

hello. today was quite ok la =D
reached school at 7.20 like omg LOL. anywayx, thanks mo mo mo for the ferrero rocher ^.^ ii love chocolates, especially rocher and bueno and the dont know what thing (ii suddenly forget the name HAHA)
ohhh ohh! and today is a super super super super super hot day o.o

first lesson! home econs made fried bee hoon . (: ii was like, SUPER destructive la (tan jia qi's favourite quote xD) haha! ii dont know la. anything that land onto my hand will be found on the table LOL. and and ! when dont know what thing that thing that time.. oh my god. ii dont know what ii am talking LOL. okays, jia qi was chao-ing the bee hoon the whole time, until ii get real bored and said ii wanna try =D, then when ii jiao-ing those thingy that time, alot of them landed on the cooker o.o oops! xD
alrights, anyways, ii go fen the portion and its like, one plate is small small portion and the other one is a hill LOL. then jia qi say, "pearly~ you can guess which is mine already right?" *laughs*
hmmm, and today's lesson damn dramatic. omg. LOL, but ii shall not elaborate much on that (:
kays, recess.. stayed in class the whole time, cause after home econs is like damn full already la.
but OMG OMG. nicole, he is hard xD
science practical ^.^ nothing much to say. he is cute. =D
aesthetics also nothing much la~ HAHAHA.

hmmm.. went to eat with wenjing and rachael in the canteen. he and his gay bag. xD
okays, wait HAHA, ii think ii am starting to say super random stuffs that only people present will understand. LOL.
then everyone suddenly disappeared =O so, rachael and ii were gossiping .
talk talk talk talk. then suddenly, we stopped. cause we realise something is wrong x.x the person in concern de friend is like sitting beside us? LOL!! he is like, quietly eating and absorbing the convo. my goshh. rachael and ii fainted a little more. HAHA, but nevermind, he look damn innocent, ii dont think he will say anything la LOL! after that, wenjing came back, and we ban jia! cannot stay there liao, or all our convo will be spreaded all around xD HAHA !
yepp. after that, we went to jp. cause we still got 1 hour to spare HAHAHA. wenjing did her stuffs at subway, and rachael and ii left our stuffs there for wenjing to take care and then we go san bu! (: rachael did most of the talking la HAHA, and other then giving comments randomly, ii was like smilling the whole time LOL ! end up, both of us de mouth numb like siao after that HAHA!
gossiped alot and also, shared our taste on bags / watches / earrings / hairband ? LOL .
paisehh, cause ii saw damn lots of ferrari stuffs today omg omg. LOL, let me high awhile ^.^
not bad la, at least ii finally know how obsess rachael is to this weird colour that ii dont think is unique at all lorhhhh. xD
the swimming complex. was late. LOL, kays nevermind. slacked alot at the pool hahahhaa.
homed after that. ^.^

omg omg. ii almost fainted off when ii saw something LOL.
F60 Model,1:8 scale, Formula 1 World Championship 2009 cost 3900.00 € ? my tian ahh!
walao, and a Felipe Massa's F60 Nose Cone -1:12 scale cost 95.00 € ? walao! damn ex sia! just that cone only lehh omg. plus its not the actual size somemore LOL .

Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:46 PM

when someone said something so familiar. and ii think harder. it's what he had said before. ii wonder what would happen next. o.o

6:38 PM


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