sometimes, it's better to not know




Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:30 PM

is that desperation or inspiration?

today's race is EPIC, especially towards the ending. webber was leading vettel, hamilton and jenson then. it's simply a redbull 1-2, but ii guess, vettel just wasnt very satisfied with it. look at the press conference with the top 3 after qualifying. just look at vettel. that arrogant and unsatisfactory look on his face shows that he MUST win webber today, at ANY price. got abit too racy, and tried to pass webber. but *boom*! bad choice. they made contact. it seems to me to be that, vettel got a better track condition than webber, and overtook webber through the inners. webber tried to defend, apparantly, but vettel swerved more to the right. webber did not want to give vettel any chance to get first, thus, he moved abit to the left? made contact. and ah-hahs, there goes the redbull 1-2 victory. and from there, it converts to a mclaren 1-2 victory? O.o
jenson tried to overtake lewis later on. goshh, i thought another webber-vettel incident would happen again. but sadly, not so unlucky for them~ after all the drama, they both have to conserve fuel = no more shows anymore.
anyways, nice start for massa (although there was no overtaking or whatsoever), but yupp, can see you doing an awesome start! (: kutgj & pushhh more! xDD
but there wasnt any featured race today, was there? ii didnt watch it! what a shame. it's massa! )':
hope he get back onto top form soon. aiishhh, just when will he get back to where he was before? he was doing great then. till some idk retards didnt fix some parts of the car properly. get ahead of massa, and.... zz. forget it.
MASSA <3333

Friday, May 28, 2010 3:29 PM

2F'10 ♥

E&C week was fun, although it sounded weird at first. but after this whole week, ii realise it's not bad heh. (:
I LOVE 2F . <33

"Yes, I think so."
I will remember what you say, don't try to go against it (:

Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:32 PM

this is funny LOL.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 10:23 PM

waaah. just came back from moving the plants (:
came back from cl tuition. ate mac. and then on-ed the comp to play maple. but then, my bro asked me to help him move all the plants outside our house to some other corners. they are big and heavy la! but ii think it's not the pots that are heavy, it's the soil! -.- and there are alot. he say it will just take 10min. so reluctantly, ii went. BUT, it took 1hr 30min +++ LOL. although ii wad quite happy afterwards? cause it was a nice bonding session (: awesome! ii think it's worth spending those time touching those disgusting stuffs than mapling hehe.

but was damn funny too.
hmmm, so. my bro and ii started off moving the aloe vera plant. and the whole thing is like protruding outwards? and it was so damn freaking heavy, we decided to roll it. and everytime, when the protruding part of the part came towards our side, we will all freak out. LOL, cause its like scratching us? x.x took quite long to move that humongous thing.
then afterwards, my grandma came out of the house, and everything was a disaster. she was like, shouting damn loudly. then my bro and ii tried to control the volume. cause it's like quite late le heh? later people come complain we die le LOL. must be more considerate xD
and cause of our noob moving skill, on the way to their new home, we poured alot of soil on the corridor LOL. then my grandma was like, "AIYO. later must clear them hor (in hokkien)" and we were like "okokok, shhhhh. you go into the house first." and then she passed us a broom. and logic tells uu that sweeping will be the last part right? so my bro left the bro near those soil. and my grandma was like, "AIYO! later the broom dirty la!" then she go put at another place. then my bro and ii stared at each other and was laughing. LOL, the broom was meant to be dirty de wad. ii mean, you are gonna sweep those thing later too right? O:
damn cute sia, my grandma <3

we was moving those pots. and was disgustingly dirty. like, there are dead cockroaches squashed. and millions of ants LOL. then suddenly, this thing scare the shit out of us, and we totally dont dare to move it la. stunned there LOL
ohh. and one part is. ii dragged the pot on the ground, cause it was damn heavy. then the floor got alot soil, ii think?
and then ii asked my bro, "what are those things? cant be soil right? how can they wu yuan wu gu fall out of the pots?"
then my bro say, "they are shits."
and ii was like, "shit? from where? plants can shit mehh?"
and my bro was like, "you think lehh?"
then ii stared blankly, "plants cant shit, can they?"
and my bro said, "of course can la, you stupid."
then ii totally stunned zhu. and ii stared at the thing. honestly, science went through my mind LOL, those primary school stuff. and seriously, plants cant shit! or did ii fail my science in pri sch?
then my bro saw me so stunned and he was like, "you really think plants can shit arh? LOL"
and ii gave him that what the hell look. LOL, ii am so dumb OMG. x.x

the cleaning up is so damn funny.
we washed the whole place till the whole corridor is flooded lerhhs. my brother and my mother is like pouring damn lots of water on the floor. which is so omgish LOL.
but well, we are done! hurray (:

Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:18 PM

today's maths interclass thingy quite funny LOL. actually not quite, but very xD
part 1 - the qilin went missing horror. spam called him, but he never pick. then chao zhi totally gave up. ii was telling him to stall time for qilin HAHA.
part 2 - the emo chao zhi not being able to use his "equation" LOL. it's something like, he went there fully prepared (bei all the equations and so), and he thought he can use them. cause last year, it's also the 3 of us, and there are so many millions of questions with so many weird equations that we cant do. so this time, he went to memorize the equations lorhh. but sadly for him, there's no equations question HAHA! all the c(s) and i(s) all dont have. then he damn emo and was like complaining this and that everytime he saw a new set of question. xD and there's this time, is the "count how many frogs" question. and we thought it was so damn lame la HAHA. then chao zhi was still nagging about the equation stuffs and ii simply cant stop laughing LOL, laugh till want cry liao xD
part 3 - chao zhi wanting to run off before the thing ends. he kept asking the guy if he can go now. then that guy was like, "2 more mins, very fast one, ii promise you." then 2 minutes later, he tell the whole class "2 more mins" LOL, then chao zhi was like so omg la, until it really end that time, he's the first to dash out of the class xD
ridiculously funny HAHA.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 4:59 PM

today's yog was fun (: good job 2f !
finally, ii can go home super early. ahhh, that's like 1 in a million years. ahh, but well.

anyways, i dont see why so many people are screaming foul over schumiii overtaking alonso for 6th place. at the end of the processional race, his pass on alonso was simply a smart piece of opportunism. but, he'd gotten a 20s penalty for putting up such a magnificent show! -.- what's with the rules man? it's totally confusing and contradicting!

the rule says: "If the race ends while the safety car is deployed it will enter the pit lane at the end of the last lap and the cars will take the checkered flag as normal without overtaking."
also, another regulation says: "As the safety car is approaching the pit entry the yellow flags and SC boards will be withdrawn and replaced by waved green flags with green lights at the line. These will be displayed until the last car crosses the line."

however, the race did NOT finish under the safety car. and the fact is that the green flags are visible when schumiii passed alonso before the finishing line! (this obviously shows that racing had briefly restarted) if it has not been restarted, why use the green flags in the first place? although those tight rules on penalties gave the stewards no option to give schumiii a mild penalty, but this is an infraction that was borne not out of malice but misunderstanding! gahhhs. and it's those not clearly stated rules that caused all this, not mercedes' fault, not schumiii's fault. he dont deserve all this penalties. poorly-written rules! zz, how many times must this happen?

Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:23 PM

FOURTH. great job (: although there's no improvement to that position, but after you watch the race, you'll understand. nice nice. great ground there. =D
although fernando is up till 7th from 24th. but LOOK. just look. it's really nothing spectacular at all (alex yoong said that LOL) it's just overtaking some heavy and slow car, at the starting few laps. not very difficult, indeed. and it's those pitstop strategy that helped him.
anyways, schumacher's chicky move on alonso is awesome! the safety car's gone at the last lap, and the final few metres of the race. everyone have high hopes that vettel could do some move over webber, and get first after the safety car is gone. but no, it's schumacher! he overtook alonso ! magnificent! didnt expect that. HA, alonso. (: that's the different between a 7-times world champion and a 2-times world champion. although ii dont see why hamilton, alonso and schumacher are unable to overtake felipe massa (a titleless guy). that's why, massa rocks! (:

and rubens barrichello! he threw his steering wheel on the track after crashing and pointing the wrong direction. then, dont know which emo guy drove past it (ii think it's lewis). he (rubens) is VERY evil. the debris from his car hurt massa badly in the Hungarian qualifying! and it took hell lots of time for him to recover. didnt he learn from his mistake last year? last time is massa, now, it's lewis? how dare he throw his steering on the track like this? so what if he is angry? being angry dosent give you the rights to do that. he should be penalised, just like how brawn gp should have been penalised last year. but they didnt. -.-

anyways, next up, TURKEY!
my brother said he is gonna bet massa pole position and first position, cause he thinks massa is godly in turkey, when he can win in a stupid car. LOL. then ii was pleading him to not bet massa, for god sake. because whatever he bet will always turn out WRONG. 大错特错! so now, ii am so gonna dissuade him to do so. like, telling him how noob massa is. and he is lousy enough to not win. maybe, he should bet webber instead. webber is DAMN zai. or alonso also can. ii thought everyone thinks alonso is GODLY, and more zai than massa? just dont bet on my massa LOL.

P.S. omg, jiaxuan x.x it's one position different only lehh.

12:47 PM

your smile can win over everything. ii see that same spirit there again. although it's not yet a pole, not yet a win, or even a podium, but it shows that you had found the car, the tyres, and, yourself. yes, felipe! that's the way and ii've finally seen that! (: ii like that thumbs up, that same pose you'd done in 2008. that's it, people. he's back. really, prove to them, show them that whoever they thinks is worth the time now, is not the right choice. tell them, "it's me. and no one else."

ii remember my promise. xD
it's, now, my turn.
people, see my determination fly.
see me doing my best.


Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:24 PM

not for that coffee luckk.
concluded a point: ii should stop doing good deeds before every qualifying / race.

hmm, mark webber's imba, although ii dont see why he didnt top the practices, q1 and q2 la. but ii have to admit, his q3 is really damn zai. and sadly, only q3 affects it all. so, good for him la. 0.3s faster than kubica. ownage. (Y) hmmm, kubica is great all weekend, so we can expect that? though ii expected more? like, a first? LOL. oos, vettel. another surprising 3rd.
follow on. my massa! (: 4TH! dont say it's noob ok? it's the redbulls at the front, people. their car is simply unbeatable, regardless of what track it is. wonder what they had done to their car. ii am amazed. x.x ohh wells, but at least, felipe out-qualified lewis, ok? by 1 position also counted as out-qualified. dont chao. and that 1 position decides which row they are in. so, it's important (: and of course. fernando. he ruined his own chance to qualify, that's he's prob. ohh, yeahhh.

CHUA JIA XUAN. ii didnt forget that bet. dont regret it hor. keke, it's 1 position to go~ although, the higher chance is that he didnt get onto podium la. 3/24 chances. not fair lehh LOL
tomorrow's race day, we'll see! (:

Friday, May 14, 2010 9:19 PM

ok. ii finally know what ii should do. ii am determined. (:

anyway, ii qing yan saw this lady stole a hello panda biscuit from 7-11 today. that lady's damn dumb. ii was like, deciding which bao ii should get for myself (because apparently, sixin, hanren and jiahui didnt give me an opinion. gahhs.) so this lady jiu walked to where sixin's didai is. and she took a hello panda biscuit, and looked around suspiciously. then ii was like, staring at her? and she didnt notice me. omg la. she just hope some other people didnt see her. but ii saw. LOL. so dumb. plus she's not tall hor. so, ii am obviously visible la -.- then she just walk out of 7-11 like that. (Y) but well, sixin and ii went to tell the cashier. and when ii told her it was a hello panda biscuit that was stolen, she was like diao diao. but seriously. another dumb thing is that she stole a cheap stuff. =X want steal then choose something more ex and more worth it la. LOL why did she even wanna steal a hello panda biscuit -.-

Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:08 PM

hello. bad day bad day. ii totally had no intention of standing up and doing anything at all. hate walking the most. ): gahhs.

Monday, May 10, 2010 8:02 PM

Massa mystified by handling issues? Felipe is concerned that he is no longer able to find the balance he needs with his Ferrari to be on the pace, but, was still unsure of what was causing his problems.

“Fernando is a very good driver, but something has happened to me. (???) Something is not going like I want, so I can’t do the lap time or drive the car like I want. (!!! T.T wth.) This is something that we need to understand, and improve. I was struggling a lot to find the right balance in the car. We need to understand what has happened, understand which direction to follow. I went in a completely different direction [to Alonso], and then back again. We tried everything. (really?) It looks like something is not working out to give the grip. This is something that we need to understand, but I’m sure we will."

Massa added that he had been happier with his car in practice, but could not repeat his performance in qualifying.

god. ):



Sunday, May 9, 2010 9:49 PM

ii hate people who is damn freaking lucky for no reason. yet people who deserve it, didnt get it. but nobody just seem to be able to see that. how sad.

P.S. button and massa. what are you guys doing? stay constant lehh!

9:42 AM

everyone is doubting you already. prove it yourself. prove to them that you deserve to be here. prove to them that you will not be contented to be the #2! (like lily said) love is not enough to let you stay here. you gotta push more man, or your seat in ferrari will be gone! this is crap. and we need more! secure your seat here. prove them you will be staying here.
target----> poles, victories and podiums! gogo!
ii dont want you to win the title anymore. just get back on top form T.T you aren't the same anymore after the crash. hate to say this, but it's true. ii. detest. the. crash. damn you, BRAWN GP!! -.- nevermind, but we cannot turn back time. so just pick yourself up!

"In my first year with ferrari, ii heard so many people asking 'how many races will he last?' or 'when will he be fired?' but ii'm now going into my fourth season with ferrari, ii've fought for the championship twice and people are changing their ideas. but in f1, things turn around very quickly. maybe today you're the kind, but tomorrow they will say you are stupid. and that's why you need to work in a good direction with the pressure, because you're always going to have it, whether you win races or not."
do you remember yourself saying this? they are saying you cant make it. can you hear them saying that? they think you are "stupid" now. (ii dont, although) your 6-year 9-years saga will not end here. prove to them it wont!
the script for 2008 destined you of the role of the gallant loser, and now, your challenge is to show the performance was no fluke.
"Once you know where he come from, it's alittle bit easier to believe he willl. for like any self-made man, he's worked too hard to let it all slip easily from his grasp."
so. you are not, ehh?

P.S. felipe baby is not a baby.

Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:01 PM

omg. the redbulls are fast this weekend. very fast, in fact. wonder what they had done to their car, but it's really really fast. their pace shows that they are firm favourites for victory tomorrow. BUT, anything can happen though. it's clearly only the two of them fighting with each other during quali. webber on pole, of course. ii asked my bro to bet webber for the man who will grab pole for his f1 betting. but he dont wanna heed my advice, and went to bet vettel? there go his 2 points. LOL.
why dont ferrari copy the redbull's design? still abit question mark question mark on that.
massa ahh.. *sigh*
nevermind. watched a video that touched me this morning x.x it simply just show those wins from massa, and those wonderful podium memories, where the Brazil flag was hung the highest . his yan shen, his smiles, and everything. so cool. so interesting. so mesmerising. so. sad. if all those didnt happen, will he be up there right now? but it's ok. ii'll wait. ii'll wait for him to get back on form again! (: show me your power, baby. never lose hope. ♥ show me the "ii will win, for ANY price" spirit. show me that "they think ii am stupid. ii'll prove them wrong" spirit. =D ii finally understand what you mean when you say "when you are wrong, they think you are stupid. and when you win, they say you become clever. then, you did a mistake again, and they think you are stupid again." (Y)
you'll shut their mouths up sooner or later xD
if they dont trust you, it's ok, because, ii trust you. although, ii know it's not only me. they are more than me! tony, lily, dunia, etc etc are awesome people! (:
ohh, ferrari say there will be no 1 or 2 in the team. but obviously, it's not true. they lied. again. promising that fernando "no teammate spirit" act will not happen again, is another lie. another broken promise. ii want kimi back.. ):
because... kimi raikkonen + felipe massa = never ending ♥ = the best team ♥ = no quarrels = smiles = FERRARI ♥

8:29 PM


Thursday, May 6, 2010 8:47 PM

my phone is back.! =D
today was a boring day. but something brighten up my day! xDDD

nicole's 12 it's unlimited! reasons why she love me to meeee.
she run uber uber fast leh! wonderman. xD (where got? x.x)
She's Nicole's LAOGONG! (<--best!)
She give me presents ^^
We make bday cake 2gether. (you mean felipe's? xDD that's your awesomeness! =D)
Got 老鼠 one! (LOLL =X)
Veli Veli chio~! (you more chio la, girl.)
I.O.N (we break hairbands together) (one after another. nan guai shi fu qi mahhs. xDD)
1 or 2 marks difference~! (YARHH. buay tahan liaooo!!)
We comment on Everything xD
We share same water bottle! -> Get sick together D:
Our anniversary -> 16th Jan, Never forget ♥
Play James Bond behind lecture theatres (uu actually remember.. HAHA)
Always chiong to toilet xD
Go on diet together ♥
KOP *flying sweets* from rach ♥
Fall asleep during Hist :X (after you write this, ii am wondering if ii really have to post this on fb. later ms jin see.. MY HISTORY MARKS ARE AT RISK LOL.)
Chiong HW every morning
We both hate veggies. Yuck! (yes, disgusting ttm)
拍 alot of 照片s ♥

You'll always be a piece of Nicole.
*muack muack*
Yesh, you're my property.
LOVE 张 Family TTM :)
I know I exceeded D:
Cause JY's simply De Best ♥

my 12 reasons why ii love nicole to nicole and only nicole! xD
You are my Laopo!
Chiobuuu <33
Cause she love me too! ^^
She trust me. xD
We are the N&J! ♥
My beloved blank filler.
You are f***ing hell awesome!
Let's die together =X
And Jian Fei together!
(the why i love nicole cheung continues...)
Simple because 3i<9u! Muackks....
And only because...
you are..
nicole cheung zhi xuan! ♥

We are the winner!
16th January 2010 marks OUR day!
for you... the BIG LOVE AWARD.
*draws a camera* looks weird. keke.

P.S. 有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:47 PM

ii finally know what is keeping someone in suspense. thanks to someone =X
was watching something joe something in the school lib today with laopo. had enough time to watch the beginning only. hmm, abit weird, but, actually, quite nice la LOL was something like this mysterious guy keep saying "yes". then this guy, whatever his name is, ask why he say yes. and then the guy say it's an answer to his question. but apparantly, the other guy dont know what the hell he's talking about. till this very moment when he say, "your question is..." then nicole took out the cd *&^%$#$%^&^%$ cause we are gonna be late for lesson. arghhh. just that little while~ NICOLE?
ok, ii think ii am starting to not understand what me myself is talking about x.x but nevermind. LOL and *haix* my memory is so, omg-ish.

SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN. ii got a bad feeling about it. O: maybe, ii gotta wait for after the mid season, or next year to see the real excitement? but anywayx, you're still gonna do your best! (: ohh, they are saying you are "stupid" now. prove them you are not. (remember?? *winks*)

P.S. ii hate knowing the fact that it's ME who dumped that VERY IMPORTANT book somewhere, and it's now missing.

Monday, May 3, 2010 6:10 PM

ii love my family~! xDD
randomness . LOL
everyone is so damn cute!! <33

Sunday, May 2, 2010 8:45 PM

you aren't true.

and ii'm waiting... who will come?

1:19 PM

ohh godd. this website really rocks a whole lots. ii mean, it could be my top entertainer when ii'm bored and make me laugh when ii dont feel like it. wait, ii mean, it's the comments that are (Y) maybe it might sound like some loser website, for losers to read. but nevermind. love those awesome "fights" from those pro and cons fans. (: Prof Bolshaviks has some cool "interviews" as well; albeit it gets abit racist towards the end? will just stay as reader. zipped mouth. the only plausible explanation is cause ii will get flamed if ii starts commenting xD

P.S. the guy never runs out of others to blame.
he's clearly blemishing their reputation. castigating his own team? -.-

Saturday, May 1, 2010 6:59 PM

ohh, have had an awesome time fighting with my brother about some stuffs. not really fighting la. we didnt bash each other up. LOL, ohh, but ii like it. ii dont know why. crazy me xD
kimi vs felipe. he lost a whole lots fighting with me about that. ha! laugh right into your face, korr. (:
lewis vs felipe. ii'll never win on this. ii knew it. he knew it. we knew it. so, ii shut my mouth up x.x evil grin on his face. arghhhs! but this will not sustain.
alonso vs felipe. ii ask him to wait. like after a year, kimi is downnnn, and way up baby ! xDD
but my bro say, "experts say that felipe is on form." and ii go, "expert might not be correct sometimes. (talking crap x.x)" then he said, "but felipe thinks that he had 100% recovered already." so ii emphasized, "he THINKS. but he's NOT. LOL."
godd. ii think ii skipped a step before saying something - think. =X

waah, got people say my bro shuai lehh LOL ii thought ii find him looking weird in that uniform with some weird stuffs that others dont have, thanks to being a parade commander (?)

5:10 PM

woots. my house is now filled with random stuffs. (: thanks to meeeee! ii just love to go around asking people to buy this and buy that when we go shop shopp. LOL. regardless if it is edible or inedible stuffs. okays, wait. wrong wrong. this does not apply to everyone. just some random people that ii think ii should do so . so yeahh. yummy yummy! there's so many awesome stuffs to eat now . ICECREAMMM <3 (rachael will hate it if she sees this x.x)
poof. ii am not getting any lower than 40.


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