sometimes, it's better to not know




Tuesday, June 29, 2010 9:53 PM


Ahh, Mr Soh suddenly decided that everyone shall not wear their specs from tomorrow onwards, all the way till saturday. That's bad. Met my mama at around 8+pm at jp to get some contact lenses. Took 1hour to learn how to put and take out one side. How terrible. Now my right eye is red. ): Ehh, gonna have a hard time tomorrow D: Sian.
Ehh, spain vs portugal is at 2.30am again =.= I'm not watching it this time.. It's not even Brazil la. I shall not sacrifice my sleeping time for them, since sky says that I'm having eye bags!! D: Anyways, I really hope spain wont win it. Dont like them. :D *hopes* though alot people want spain to win :3

4:17 AM

Top 8 :D

3 - 0
Yeahhhh. :D Nice game! Good job, Brazil! :D

2:37 AM

Bravil VS Chile.

Seeing me here, means I've managed to catch the match. (: Slept for 3hours only. Might have another 2hours or lesser to spare later, which is not realy that bad? Zui duo I'll catch a later bus tomorrow later lo.
The only thing I hope now, is that my parents/grandma wont wake up, or I'll really die. D:
Anyways, CMON BRAZIL!!

Monday, June 28, 2010 5:45 PM

We didnt win in F1, we'll do that in world cup :D

Wanted to watch the Brazil vs Chile match. But, it's too late, so cant, cause tmr still got school D: Arghh. Or should I sleep early today and wake up to watch? xD
Ehh. So will Kaka and Elano play de anot?! So confusing. D:
But anyways, jiayous Brazil! ALL THE WAY! <3

4:20 PM

It's all down to what you think.

[Alonso: I think it was unreal this result and unfair as well. We respected the rules, we don’t overtake under the yellows and we finish ninth. That is something to think about. It completely destroyed the race. Hopefully we can move forward because after the victory of Vettel and podium for McLaren ninth place is very little points for us. We need to apologise to the 60 to 70 thousand people who came to see this kind of race. They gave a penalty already to Hamilton but it was too late – 30 laps to investigate one overtake. ]

Sound so scary and threatening, oo. It was unfair, but not unreal. The fact that we missed the pitstop and cant get in and out in time, is where we lost. It's really sad and regretful, but still, life is unpredictable. But you are lucky enough okay?? Massa had to wait for YOU, and need to drop more positions down. Who's more sad? Who should be grunting? At least you have a 3 points or so. Massa? None. Be grateful.
[Massa, as EXPECTED: Another horrible race on the back of the one in Canada. We were lying third and fourth with cars capable of getting a great result and instead, everyone has seen how it ended. On the lap when the accident happened, we were coming into the final corner and there was nothing, then suddenly, the Safety Car came out on track and I saw in the mirrors that the cars behind us were pitting: our chance of fighting for the podium went up in smoke at that moment. The difference between us and Hamilton is that he committed an infraction and we did not, but his penalty had no effect on his result. I think that errors were made in the way this situation was managed. From then on, our race was practically one long procession in traffic with no chance of changing anything. A real shame because today we could have done really well.]

uhh, yes it is another horrible race (sixin, told ya D:) I think the worst thing you can know is that your cars had just gone past the pit lane entry (here comes the safety car) and, you are then forced to do a full lap to get into the pits again. And that definitely compromised Massa's race.

Q: Fernando Alonso seemed devastated on the team radio that you hadn’t been given a bigger penalty for passing the safety car and you hadn’t dropped down further - and that this situation ruined his own race. Obviously the penalty didn’t harm your position at all and you probably think this was fair. Had it been the other way around, would you still have thought it fair?
That is good to know. Well, it is all down to the point that you do the job that you have to do. I was told that I had to pit, I made the gap and pushed as hard as I could and pulled out some of the fastest laps and I was able to increase the gap from the guys behind - and I did my penalty: A drive-through is quite a long time - moving down the pit lane at 60km/h - and I came out still ahead of the others, so I don’t think that this is unfair. This is racing and these are the rules.

Q: Fernando obviously said that this race was manipulated. What do you think about this?
Ah, I think he is probably reacting emotionally…

Old sparring teammates...

Anyways, sorry Button. Germany won England in both F1 and WC xD Are you disappointed? :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:23 PM

This is getting confusing.

Arghh. Bad race.

7:00 PM

Ohhhh, its not it.

Went to yacht club today with mummy and kor kor just now. My brother went to swim for 10 laps while my mama and I sat in the ktv place. After that, I went to play Daytona with my bro, while my mum continued ktv-ing. Hoho, it was damn fun!! I got quite ji dong, LOL, but nevermind. I think the results is 5-4 in favour to my brother =.= Arghhs. But had a really nice time then. (:

F1 in 1 hour time! :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:01 PM

Joy covers depression.

I guess Massa would be 5th for qualifying =.= And I think I hit the bullseye. Before qualifying, I thought 5th could be a more than happy result to settle at. But, after watching qualifying. I realise, he can do better! D: The pace in q2 was astonishing. But q3, was.. Arghh. Not as good. You know you can do better! That's not the time D: Q3 should be an improvement! I'm disappointed. Really )':
On the brighter side of life, at least it's a 0.05s off Alonso ONLY. Nice ! :D Though I know 0.05s cost alot here. But to make matter worst for Alonso, he's at the dirty side of the track. Yeaahh, I could be happier in 5th than 4th, honestly HAHA. Who cares who out-qualified who. We just want to see who out-raced who, who outpaced who. Maybe 1 grid lower can let you prove your worth yet again. (:

8:27 PM

Ahhhh, what a qualifying.

Arghh, this is torturous! I dont care what tennis. I dont care oo, just give me a channel to watch f1! (being ignorant D:) We are so restricted to a small screen on the comp now! The thing I cant stand most is that my comp is lagging! Arghh. How to watch F1? This is so unfair. D:

And one thing I dont understand. Why must Massa always abort a flying lap! AHH? I dont see any strategy or so doing this. D:
Proved to my bro =.=

Friday, June 25, 2010 11:36 PM

I just woke up.

Sometimes, I still believe there's a few in that lot that is different. But maybe, it's just not true. Everyone is the same. There's no one special. Haishh. I've seen so much, and I start to.. get afraid of what might happen next. D:

I rather choose to know the painful truth, even if that would mean tearing me apart. But, it's better than me, trying to guess, again and again, which I know would bring me to nowhere. At least then, I can know what you really want. Then, I'll stop. (Or, after sometime later.) I know I should have done that earlier. But, I can't just stop like this. At least, what's within me don't allow me to do so. Somehow? Idk. Maybe, I'm just not satisfied with what I've gotten. To me, there's still a hole in this wall you're trying to build up. I can still breathe.

I don't mind taking years leaving all those memories behind. Cause it'll soon go.. But the only thing I can do now is - wait. How hopeless.

P.S. I'm still waiting =.=

9:25 PM

Get it, get it, get it!

Yes, it's still alive! Of course it is (: Believe it, strive for it, and you'll get it, cause you deserve it! Definitely. Get back the one you had lost. So miserably.. But your saga is only to prove your true worth. And yes, it did. As for now, mathematically, it's not over yet. Just a couple of good results, and that could transform your season. We'll beat him. :D

Now, gogogo, this is the right place to begin the title hunt. To fight back, and prove that you are the deserving one. They gave you the chance. They let you prove it to them. Don't let them down.
Also, never play second. It's just so wrong.

P.S. Ohh, me too. I'll never lose to you. D:

Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:59 PM

Went to woodlands library with Sixin again! :D Really nice. Cause I was slacking for most of the time, and really slacking D: I think I didnt complete much stuffs. Hmm, but we talked about alot of stuffs and did some crazy stuffs, HAHA, which I think is.. sort of, nice? (: Ahhs, trying to convince me arent really easy after all huh?

P.S. POWER or WEIGHT? hmmm..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 6:28 PM

I know what I'm doing.

I guess, I don't need to think about all this things anymore. I can just isolate them somewhere else, I hope? Cause I realised, there's alot things I nidda do D: Okay, not alot, but, quite important. At least to me. I'm doing my best in everything now.
But at least, it's great, cause I think I'll like the ending results. Just don't bother me :D Though, I'll still bother you :D

here's one part I totally disagree. O:
Q: Fernando, what makes you so sure that the Ferrari-Alonso combination will bring the same success as Ferrari-Schumacher?
I don’t know. I just hope it will. I have the impression that the people enjoy this very combination worldwide.
But, I don't. (For whoever is Fernando's fan, no offence. Personal preference.)

P.S. I'm waiting for you to have a front row start. Can you hear me?

Monday, June 21, 2010 11:03 PM


It's been 5 month plus. But you are still not leaving me, I just can't understand why. It's just a normal "hello" and "goodbye".. I guess..? Uhhh, this is driving me nuts. Nothing is helping it. D: The scenes just keep playing and playing, I dont know how to stop. Then again, if you know I still carry a little bit of hope, you're gonna whack me, right? Arghh. I really hate staring at my ceiling, thinking of impossible stuffs. Probably because I'm crazy. Like hoping Massa would 摆脱 his bad luck in Canada. They're the same. They're all impossible. They didn't happen, they don't happen, and they won't happen. No miracle, nothing. Yeaah, it's simply... not.. gonna happen. God. It's killing me. D:

Right now, I'm only gonna find 1 person for help..


7:30 PM

Hello! Went to library to study with Sixin again! (: Really nice. But we've got to sit on the floor today. Eeekk, and I realise my shoes stink. HAHA :X Anyways, saw 4 autosports magazine in the library and I decided to borrow one of them back for my brother. And he was really happy to see that. And because of that, he had to share a packet of lays with me ^.^ But, nevertheless, I think, I've made the right choice. (:

Sunday, June 20, 2010 7:57 PM

Yes, yet another one!

Hello! Just fetched my papa back home from the airport! It's so cool, cause, today's father's day and he came home on this special occasion! :D Ate swensens at the T2 airport, and he started unfolding what he had bought. *BIGGEST SURPRISE FOR ME* The last time he went overseas, he promised me a Ferrari shoe, but he came home without it, which left me quite disappointed. And, I mean it, cause he always buy something back for us, but that time, there was really nothing. BUT this time. He didnt say he was gonna buy anything back for me, so there was no real anticipation. However, he said, "Ah yu, I got you 1 ferrari bag!" And at that moment, I was exhilarated. In my mind, I was picturing how the bag would look like - a haversack? But how wrong was I. It was a slingbag, sort of? Okays, definitely different from the one I have. But, I adore it. :D THANK YOU, PAPA! ♥ According to my father, it cost S$136. Oh my god! That's alot. The previous one he had gotten for me is free, I think. But no doubt, they are authentic goods. (:
Yes, I love that bag. But, I yearn to have the big one. Yeaahhh. The one that you can put really lots of things, and you wont have to scared to not be able to put a single book/file in it. And that's the one I'd pay for a thousands of bucks for it. Okay, I'm just kidding. I'm poor enough to not have so much D: Haishhh. Although I really don't know how to open my mouth and ask for that bag from my mother (for my birthday present? Since it's the only event approaching.) She'll surely ask what I'm gonna do with such big bag, and I'm just gonna say, bring it to school..? Holy, I'll get a spank. D: So much $$ for schooling, I must be crazy.

Hmmm, my father also bought that big blue guy from the expo. My bro likes that.? HAHA, he's bed is gonna be filled with soft toys soon :D
Next up, a camera that can go 3m into the water. Not bad, but it's not for us. We can try to ask for it if we need them..? But, it's hard, you know? D: Really want to own a camera, but it's not gonna happen today, that's all I know.

Adding to Teoh Jeng Yu's collection of Ferrari stuffs --> a Flag, a Felipe Massa hat, a Scuderia Ferrari hat, 2 Ferrari sling bags, 1 Ferrari Jacket, 2 Red Ferrari shirt, 1 White Ferrari shirt, 1 Ferrari wallet, 2 Ferrari landmark, 1 Scuderia Ferrari keychain, and alot of Ferrari logo-ed plastic bags (I do collect those too?) HAHA.

2:18 PM

I still can't decide.

Hello, here I am again. Just went to friends for sale. It's been some time since I visited that. And I was shocked to see my value LOL, and the fact that it's random people buying me. Really random. O.O
Anyways, woke up at 1.30 today, oos. Gahhs, I really don't know if I should go anot. ): Feels like, but don't dare :D

P.S. Should I go?

Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:49 PM

It's a nice nice day. Don't ya think so?

Hello! :D Just ate dinner.
Went to woodlands library to study/ do homework with Sixin today (: It was really funny and nice! ^.^ Yay! And I've gotten my souvenir from her! :D Super nice. I love it ♥ ! Met at woodlands mrt station and started walking to the library. HAHA, had a very nice chat on the way. And she kept saying, "You very funny lehh" today. Sounds really weird, can? O.O
But anyway, when we arrived at the library, there are no seats on the 4th floor. And the library is really cool, cause there's this very big tree right smack in the middle of nowhere, where small little kids sit and read their books. I thought we could study in there. LOL, which was obviously a joke. =.= Whatever.. Not very soon, I spotted a seat. Uhhuh! So, both of us ba4 zhan4 the 4 person's table, but that's cause that's the only kind of table they have there, if I'm not wrong? Then that evil girl don't want ppl to join us, so she left her bag on the other seats HAHA. We made the table really messy.. So messy that the whole table is cover with paper (Y) !
Awesome. Looking forward to next week. ^.^

Alright! Let's go back top gear-ing! CYA! (:

12:26 PM


Okays, I am officially addicted to top gear. D: The dread of entering maple and see those hard-to-level characters make me dont feel like clicking on it. But I just have to do it cause I'm left with nothing else to do. But now, I realised, it's really really not true. There's many more to life. :D
I'm not saying I'm gonna quite maple, but, at least for now, I'd just stop and have real fun, cause I think, I'd prefer those hilarious cold jokes that top gear gives. (Like anyone else obviously, will.) Everything has a limit. Although I think, they have really lots of videos, and I wont know when I will finish watching them. But, will be quite fast, I guess? Looking at my speed of watching them LOL. I watched till 1am yesterday night. Cause I was really addicted to it, and lost track of time D: I wanted to continue watching the next video, but was stopped by my grandma HAHA.
But anyways, I think I'd re-watch every single one of them. Because, according to my brother, the first time you watch it, you get the big picture, the main idea and the main jokes. But when you watch them the second time, you'd realise the small jokes they made from small things (Y)
Okays, so, with a limited number of uploads from top gear, after that, I'd research on how those different f1 cars work on different track.
I feel really impressed when my brother can determine the track times of the cars by just looking at the way the driver is driving. Not really the track time, but at least, which position they'll settle for. And I still don't get the downforce and high/low speed track with sharp corners turn link. Woahhh, I'm so gonna go for it! (:
Maybe, I wanna be an aerodynamicist. :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:27 AM


Ahh, omg, I feel so ill. Drinking warm water has no help for me. Cold water helps more, I guess. I a weirdo. O.O
I think I'm crazy. Really crazy. I should stop those long hours mapling. =.= So now, I'm so watching top gear. :D There's so many episodes, I don't know where to start from. But I'm just gonna start from nowhere. It's highly recommended from my brother. And after watching them, now, I am recommending them to YOU. Trust me, it's freaking hilarious!! LOL. Maybe the starting of the video may not seem as funny or whatever. Continue watching it xD.
My profile <<< got this "TOPGEAR" link. That will give you some nice recommendation xD
Ohh, the 主持人s (Richard Hammond, James May and Jeremy Clarkson) are UK people. So ya, if you see Lewis in any of the vids, don't get shock. But it's really nice. Cause it's interesting and ya.
Hmm.. Jeremy is.. Cool..? But he's stubborn, which makes the show so much nicer HAHA. For god sake, they crack jokes every now and then (Y) James' always in trouble xDD
Oh god, now I feel like I am helping top gear to advertise. HAHA.

Anyways, I'm at page 53 of shui hu zhuan LOL. 1/4 of the whole book, ahh. I don't think I can complete reading it. :O It's very cheem, and those hero(s) keep changing their name =.= by the time I finish reading the book, I would have forgotten all the rest of the characters in the front. lol. Tell me how! O:

1:09 AM

Just an advertisement, but it's all about you.

WAHAHAHA! This is cute! xDD

This one is funny HAHA especially the last car :3

Lastly, the making of that 2 videos!! HAHA Felipe is so cute!!! xD

I know you prefer driving a Formula 1 car la :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:49 PM

No one is stopping him.

LOL, omg, I was looking for some awesome videos when I came across this. Had seen so many kinds of it, but just not this. And I thought it was realy nice, although it is only for the 2008 season, and only for Massa. ^.^

0:48 - 2008 BEST first corner overtaking move - Felipe Massa VS Lewis Hamilton. [Hungary 2008]
Nice. I was finding for this overtaking move for very long already, and today, I've finally found it! Credits to FeliMassaOwnz

0:51 - Double overtake from Felipe! [Canada 2008]
0:55 - Oops! Sorry hammy! xDD [I think it was Fuji 2008]
1:11 - I AGREE.
1:11 to 2:32 - Omg! I cried like mad watching this part D': Massa... Don't cry T.T so sad.. I just can't fail crying when watching this part. I'll always be in the same state. Drenched. D: Aiyo. >.< Especially the one when he cry in the car, the unwillingness of coming out of the car, that bow and the one on the podium when he shouted something, hitting his heart (I personally don't know what he shouted).. And ya, I know I am merely listing out everything that happened within that few seconds or even more (cause it surely lasted much more longer than that). Arghhh.. It's just so many stuffs that make it more saddening.. But really. A hero. Felipe's my Paragon!!! He was crying because he is a really big pilote.. And I'm crying cause I am the gallant loser fighter's fan. O:

That's the happiest Massa!! ^.^ first F1 pole position and his first F1 win.

0:55 - God, I like the way he run, and that cutie smile!! OMG! So cutee!! xDD
2:01 - God, I love that wonderful smile up there. Hope there's more of that coming up! :O
2:21 - OMG! Who did that? REALLY CUTE! xDD IF I'm not wrong, I think it's Rob Smedley. My hero's hero. :D
3:11 - Ohh, that overtake again. LAWL. I was desperately finding for it in the past.. But I've found 2 today =.=
3:36 - God.. This is worst... )':

Monday, June 14, 2010 10:09 PM


Maybe we've just got to accept the fact. You and I are never gonna be on good terms. We both know we tried very hard. But some things/ some facts, just cannot be changed. I don't wanna give examples this time. You know it, we know it, that's it. I don't like quarreling, just like no one does. It seems like I'd lose in all kinds. But anyways, I do stuffs now, but will regret it later on, though you'll never know.
I don't know how to not care. D':
So hard to live.

I feel so depressed. lol.

1:31 AM

I'm dying.

Can anyone feel for Massa?? (Other than me and my brother) Although Massa did alot of overtaking moves today. But, a big credit to Massa when he did one of the BEST overtaking move of the day (the one over sutil) !! (I'm serious.) I was incredibly impressed.
According to my brother, that kind of move is only what Lewis is able to do. And he was like, wow wow wow, Massa can do it?
And according to myself, it was really really VERY brave. And me myself know it very well that Felipe Massa will never ever do that kind of move. He those kind of safe driver, that would only do certain moves when he think he will surely succeed, or he will back-out. I'm not trying to say he's being unsafe today. But wow, I was stunned. I mean, he managed to pull out such nice overtaking move (Y) It's extraordinarily different! He did so many stuffs that impressed/shocked us today. I'm so proud of you really! HAHA! ♥ ♥ I'll find it's replay and post it somehow!! Incredibly AWESOME.
Right.. So, Massa climbed up to 10th. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS !! ♥
BUT!! minutes later. Massa tried a move on Schumacher for 9th. But Schumacher turned in and there's contact with Massa car's front wing. DAMAGED!! I guess, there's no way I can blame Schumiii. His tyre is degrading till the fact that he gotta brake earlier. Haishh, gotta pit, and went down to 15th. No more climbing up for the day cause it was the last 5 lap. =.=
I'm going crazy.
Canada really hates Massa. But, WHY? I don't understand. So many years of bad luck here? Why?
Anyways, this is the first time I see a guy having contact with 2 cars in a single race. haishh.

Gahhs. Look, he started from 6th on the grid. Had a pretty nice start, especially when he is on the dirty side of the track. Really impressive. (Woots, Massa did 2 perfect start consecutively, not bad! :D) But has not enough space, leading to a contact with Liuzzi, and having to pit, dropping down to 23rd. Liuzzi was 22nd after the pits. Massa drove his way up to 14th and had a battle with Liuzzi, who is in 13th. However, before he managed to make a move on Liuzzi, he pitted again, and thus, drop way down to 18th. Found his way up to 14th again, and met Liuzzi AGAIN. Battle battle battle, YET AGAIN a PIT. -.- down to 16th this time. Drove his way up again. This time, Massa had re-passed Liuzzi and took the other Force India of Adrian Sutil with a brilliant opportunistic move in traffic at turn six (should be remembered for life). Landing him at 10th place. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS. I thought 10th would be enough, but suddenly Massa was really fast, and was rapidly closing in into Schumacher (in 9th). A move coming out. But his attempt to pass Schumacher ended in a controversial collision at the final chicane. Schumacher squeezed Massa off the track, knocking the Ferrari’s front wing off for the second time in the race. Massa thus pitted for a new front wing, yet again. This was around the last 6th lap of the race already. Way down to 15th, where he didn't climb up anymore. Fuck. D':
I'll tell you today what's UNLUCKY. Damn it, stop fighting with me anymore.
Oh my god, I feel so sad now. More sad than a pissed. This is so emo la. It could be compared to Brazil 2008. =.= When you know you did well, but there's so much things that happen. How sad. T.T D':

LET's look at the brighter side of life.
- I must thanks Liuzzi for crashing into Massa, which gives Massa a chance to proof his true worth in Ferrari (the Sutil move?).
- It wasn't Scumacher's fault. He won't do that to Massa..... I guess, just some tyre degrading problems that left him totally no choice.

But, NEVERMIND MASSA. NO POINTS TODAY, IT'S OKAY. You and I and everyone else, know it's a very nice race!! Nevertheless, GOOD JOB. Love you ttm!! (:
You're back! Really back! I saw that spirit. <3

P.S. I've finally seen my brother fighting for Massa's rights today. Wow, I'm awfully shocked (Y)

12:05 AM

After a few laps of the start of the Canadian GP,

What is wrong with all those drivers nowadays? zz -pissed- Don't do that. It's horrible. =.= Massa has got a super nice start. (And I am serious. Go and look at the start. It's really awesome. Lived up to his name. :D ♥ ) From 6th till nearly 4th. Sandwiched between Jenson and Liuzzi. And there was obviously no space either from the left or right of him. Totally no space. Liuzzi could have moved abit, but he didnt barged. Then what? *CLASH!* =.=
Omg. Massa really got SUPER back luck in Canada D':
But, Felipe, that's really a very very nice start!! ♥ Good job! (: *Send you flying kisses*
But nevermind! Cause Massa is doing alot of awesome flying laps way down in 23rd -.- (YES, dropped till 23rd!) But nevermind, he is the fastest man on track right now. WAHAHA! Yes, the guy way down at 23rd is faster than the leader and everyone else on track! NICE! ♥ That's my Massa. Working his way up xD GOGO.

Hamilton and Alonso in pit! But Mclaren botched that pits, and Fernando leap-frogged him. SEE! THIS IS WHAT I CALL LUCK. =.= Look at who has gotten the LUCK and the NO LUCK award? It's so obvious la wtf.
Ohh anyways, minutes later, Lewis overtook Alonso and got back the lead. Ok look, this is a lucky guy, who have gotten a lead thanks to a very awesome team (Ferrari! ♥ ), whom allow him to have a better pit than Mclaren. BUT, this lousy guy lost that lead to hammy. HA alonso, you suck :D
Anyways, Massa is 14th now! Great! You're doing great! 52.6s away from the race leader.. But at least, try to get into points, ok? Jiayous!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, June 13, 2010 6:23 PM

LOL, unable to decide which game to play. Obviously card rocks more right? :D

2:07 AM

Cheaters for the pole. (N)

Omg, Hamilton, mai act cute la =.= Not cute, act cute. Massa will never do that if that happens.. You are plain childish. Lawl. Time to grow up, kid. Hope you fall off that car zz, acting like a hero?
How did you get your pole? Fueling your car till you cross the line and then, drive a little further and stop on the track? Nice job man, Mclaren. So desperate for a pole, till you have to do this kind of act? lol.. If that's the case, then everyone should fuel their car till they cross the line, and park their car on the track. WTF. Totally unreasonable. Lewis should get penalise. He simply dosen't failed to cheat with his beloved Mclaren team -.- BOO. (N)

1:35 AM

Canada's stopping you. D':

Hamilton and Vettel look incredibly fast. Massa just can't find some ground. Arghhs. Just Canada.. More Felipe, MORE. ♥ Sector 1 and 2 simply not enough. Don't be afraid of the wall please. ): Monaco #2. Crack this wall like you did, in Monaco 2008. Rob Smedley, do something! D:

12:35 AM

Weird number of posts and time of posting again :D

My weekend. Depressingly boring. :D
Woke up at 12.30, don't blame me, I slept at around 4am, cause practice 2 ended so late. My mama was desperately trying to wake me up to eat my brunch :D Such a pig, I know :X So, bathed, and ate the laksa my mama bought back for breakfast. (Sorry hor, for weekends, breakfast would become my brunch, when I look at my family members eating their lunch LOL. :D So special, right?) Hmm, anyways, the laksa looked different, like really very different from the other days. But I thought it's my problem. So, I didn't really bother, till my bro came over with his plate of rice and said, "This tastes disgusting, trust me." And I took a bite of the don't know what thing. And OMG (!!!) it's so.. weird. I mean, it dosen't even taste like what it was! My bro saw that disgusted look on my face and continued, "See, I told you right? It's disgusting. The look is different, the taste is different, and even the SMELL is different." Then my mama came out of the room, "Don't brainwash her la, it's VERY nice." And I was like, "Eeeeww." She said the other stall didnt open today, so, she went to buy some other random stall's laksa. Goshh. I totally feel like puking after eating it. I mean, where did that piece of meat come from?! Ohmygod. After awhile, I moaned, "I don't wanna eat anymore." And then my bro said, "Wow, mummy, she gave up faster than me." LOL. That's totally dao wei kou la. :X
Anyways, the rest of the day was boring. Played abit of maple, and left for tuition. Quitting it at the end of July already. Hurrayy! :D :D :D Finally. Some bit of freedom before 6.20pm, another tuition! Gahhhhs. But I love the teacher there, so, I guess I am not quitting that last and best tuition :D
So here I am, waiting for qualifying to start! 30more min!! Please, Felipe! GOGO! Practice 1,2,3 aren't really satisfactory. Really slow. Arghhhs, prac 3, the banging of wall scared me alot.. Luckily, the car's still working. Ehhhh, match up with the pace please. I know this is Canada. But.. try...?
Good luck!!! :D I LOVE YOUUU.

12:29 AM

Noone is perfect, but you have to learn.

When things go wrong, when they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When you're low and the opponents are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down abit -
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learn,
And many a person turns about
When they might have won had they stuck it out,
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the struggler have given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure
turned inside out -
The silver tint
of the clouds of doubt. -
So stick to the fight
when you're hardest hit, -
It's when things seem
worst that
you musn't quit.

You'll go through some difficult times,
But all this would end soon.
Those moments of great happiness,
Would be back very soon. (:
And I'll wait,
cause that day,
is for you and I to share. :D

Felipe baby, show us your fighting spirit.
The passion, and the urge to

Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:10 AM

Going crazy.

He's so cute!! ♥

Ahhs, I'm really bored now. Anyways, can you see my hard work? :X I really had been making an effort to caps every letter at the beginning of a new sentence, and also those I(s). Surely, I'm also trying very hard to prevent using those "uu" and "ii". For fun, joy and laughter. :D -sigh- although it's really not fun, no joy in it, and totally not funny. Eww, I have terrible sense of humour.

Oh yeah, anyways, I had real fun today. Wait, it's not today, it's yesterday! xD Gahhs, I don't know why, I just don't like messing up the days. Bear with me. :D Well, went to bugis with Shi Ying todayszxc. Arrived there and begin finding food to eat for lunch. I just ate some cheese fries, and was full enough. :D She ate abit of Tako Y...something, and fish&chips. (How did she do that? :O) Camwhore alot ♥ After eating, she said she was super full, till she can't walk lerhhs. WOW, I was quite surprised, personally. Chan Shi Ying actually said she was full..? LOL, I thought she was never full, and I'm serious. Feel so stress going out with her. Just kidding, but every step we go, and every food we saw, she will say she wanna eat, and high chances are, she'll buy! Oh my godness, I wonder what's her stomach made up of, man.
Big eater. (Y) Jiayous, grow taller ! :D I know, 我也好不到哪里去. But very very full = really cannot eat le mahhs. How to eat? D':
Then after all this torturous stuffs, we went to walk around bugis. Was really tempted to buy 2 bags, but Shi Ying said that it was just a waste of money. 1 of them looked like some jean bags. Then, she said, "aiya, go and cut your jeans and make into a bag la" (Y). I like the design of the 2nd bag, but the colour is so, aww. So, in the end, I didnt buy either. Gahhs, anyways, the shopkeeper didn't even bother to entertain me when I looked quite interested. Then... forget it. :3
Camwhore, Camwhore, Camwhore ♥
Not enough. Went to neoprint x5 times after that. Oh My God. I am so broke now. But, I really love those photos. (: Shi Ying will post them on facebook soon, I guess..? ♥
Also, we drank some super thick milkshake, I think..? (sorry, my memory aren't really very good.) But, it's really superb! I wanna drink it again! :D Though, it's super fattening :O Once in awhile la. :D Someday, I'll go there again..
Homed at around 6pm. Stood all the way till chinese garden, waah, half dead. There were some seats at first, and Shi Ying wanted to go and snatch with others. But, I told her to let people in need to sit. So, she didn't go and sit xD See, I'm such a good citizen. :D Thank you thank you. (:

Ohh, and finally, today yesterday, I managed to take a picture of that advertisement at the bus-stop. Did I say it before? O.O It's this random day (1st week of June), when I was waiting for the bus to go to school, and was looking around, when I caught a glimpse of a familiar head. From far, it looked like Massa, but, I wasn't really sure. (cause my eyesight is terrible :X) So, I decided to go and see what it is. -shocked- It's really Felipe Massa! xDDDD
This advertisement is like, advertising a sports channel, I think? And, they advertise 4 sports - soccer, formula 1, tennis and the other one, idk. :O and then, 1 sport has one representative. Tennis is Roger Federer, Soccer is some Man.U. guy, and F1 is MASSA! xD I was, personally, shocked. Really. I thought Singapore would either put Lewis or Fernando? Since Fernando won the inaugural S'pore GP (which from the previous post, you know I still think is luck?), and Lewis won the 2009 S'pore GP, when Massa isn't around..?
Hmmm, but don't advertisement usually want to show the best of their stuffs? (Do you understand?) :D

12:51 AM

Luck or no luck, worthy or not worthy.

I don't want to fight with you. But, just to let you know, Alonso has more luck. Thank you. Didn't watch the other races, nevermind. But, I'm sure you watched the Singapore one, and almost everyone know what happened. Don't deny. Ok, maybe, you don't call that luck anymore. I better admit he got a NICE teammate, who is willing to crash to secure his win, just to ensure that he can stay in their team. Good job, man. (Y) Then again, it's not bad luck cause Massa got a screwed pit, and I don't wanna say it's cause of Nelson's wonderful crash. I rather say the team jumble it all up. He's still very lucky (to have an AWESOME teammate, in this case).
Bahrain win this year was also lucky. Vettel's spark plug failure allow Alonso to close in and also dive past him, to grab a lead it never lost. But why didn't it get lost? Massa had to consolidate second place, cause he gotta conserve fuel as there's a temperature problem in the cockpit which obliged him to ease back. (: But, I don't understand why Fernando is so happy about it (the win). lol.. Lewis wasn't exactly exhilarated when he won in Turkey this year, cause he know if Webber and Vettel didn't had that unfortunate crash, that win would definitely not be his. That's it. I simply don't understand why people like to debate and say that the fact that it is a win, it is a win. If I'm not happy, or don't accept the fact that he won that race, or if I still think he's not worthy that win, then that's totally just me being opinionated. Yes, I am opinionated, I agree? But, to this, it's really very obvious that it's YOU trying to go against me, for I don't know what reason.
For Alonso's double world champion title, I have no say. Cause I didnt watch any races before Singapore GP 2008. If you love those title so much, go and live in your history land. Maybe you would like to take the time machine and go to the past. You are so welcomed. (:

Anyways, I don't really expect Felipe to win in Canada this weekend. Yeah, I don't have the rights to mention anything before 2008, but, he mentioned it himself. No luck or no skills, you decide. I'll go for no luck, that's of course. (:
His best result dates back to his final year with Sauber (2005), and that's when he finished fourth. Fourth. Best result. Don't go "hahaha, lousy", cause look at the car. That's when he was in Sauber, though my brother agreed that he was a much better driver in the years with Sauber. Well, at least, he could drive a somewhat Lewis Hamilton style. Cause a lousy car deserves more pushing. (Wait, I totally disagree with that statement. Whatever.) [oh god, my self-contradicting is coming back! :O] Probably, he should have stayed there? I don't know? But, there's more future here in Ferrari. [zz, not again.]
2006, a fifth position.
2007, Fisichella and himself were penalised and black-flagged (disqualified) for exiting pits under a red light. How sad. Then, what about Hamilton? Didn't see a red light, and banged into Kimi in the pits. Aren't that a more serious offense? Why just a 10-place grid penalty? Make it like Fisichella and Massa, a disqualification, that's more fair.. Oh, I'm a sadist. :D
2008, a problem with the refuelling at his pit stop, which cost him at least a podium finish. But his car was really working well and managed to move up from the back of the pack to finish fifth at the flag. (:
And there you go, today, we'll be watching the Canadian GP 2010 =D (practice session, I meant) Good luck, Massa, you can do it ^.^

Then again, I think, Jenson might be able to grab pole and also a win this weekend. I shouldn't say weekend, should I? The race starts at 12midnight on Sunday/Monday. Hmm, then it isn't weekend anymore xD Anyways, I didn't know Canada is so far... So far.. Qualifying would be at 1am. Friday practic 1 had just ended more than an hour ago, and the next one's coming up at 2am. Yes, the reason why I'm still awake (:
Okays, back to the topic, Jenson for pole and a win, not very hard I guess. Years ago, he managed to bring a Honda up to points. And, looking at his strong performance in practice 1, it's highly possible for it to happen.

P.S. i still believe that's luck.
If 99% of skill and 1% of luck is needed, I believe, the 1% of luck is more important and definitely needed to succeed. (Familiar?)

Thursday, June 10, 2010 6:40 PM

3 hours later..

I'm officially a hermit xD, after hundreds and thousands and millions and trillions and infinity times of doing the wrong thing at the wrong place at the wrong time (favourite sentence by almost all fhps teachers LOL). *sigh* seeing so many skills starting from 0 again is not a very nice feeling. a reason why ii have three 3rd jobs now, without any of them reaching lv 75 yet :X but, i'll give up the other two in aquila. nobody is aquila-ing now, can? or rather, those that i know. ok, wait. maybe there are, but very little, i guess..

4:00 PM

cause i'm happy with everything of you.

Felipe Massa + Fernando Alonso = Scuderia Ferrari ♥ !

O.M.G. His smile is sooo mesmerising xDD

HIM, (with the italian outfit) 69 grands prix,
15 pole positions,
30 podiums,
12 fastest race laps,
11 wins,
360 world championship points.
they seem so much, but it's still not enough. we want more, hungry for more! cause for like any self-made man, he's worked too hard to let it all slip easily from his grasp. so, it's not gonna end here. we will see more, and that's of course! (:
All the best, Felipe. <3


you didn't break your promise, how true.
it's not gonna end here, we'll wait.
that's how much you trust him, thank you.
and because of all of you, i love you.
Jiayous ferrari! Was the best, still the best, and always the best. xD
there's no way i can reject. i must live with it - he is gonna be felipe's teammate, for another TWO years. c'mon, felipe massa & fernando alonso, tifosi WANTS the constructors' championship, desperately! =D we want the #1 and #2 car number next year, and forever (: gogo! xD
hundreds and thousands and millions and trillions and infinity ♥ !

3:44 PM

i'm seventy, finally. xD

ohh yeahh, it's the advancement time ^^
waah, it's been 1 year since i job advanced again. how to do le ah? O.O

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 11:10 PM

I'm not worth anything now.

I'm so confused with what I'm doing. This isn't what it should be. I want to tell you, but, I just don't wanna move abit of that. And, I don't know how to start. It's so tiring. Why must I explain everything? It's draining me and there's no point doing so. I fear to see the replies I don't wanna see. I've seen so much of it. No more. Really. I really care the wrong person and yet, I don't really care the wrong person. It's never correct. And everyone just likes to prove me wrong. Make me think again. And break down alittle more.
Why those touching words? I'm not okay. I'm not. I miss those days as well.. It's not just you. Really. Sometimes, somethings just can't replay. If it could, and it had, then, we won't be like that, you won't be like that, and I, will never be like that too. But, it can't. D:
I'm so sorry.

Sunday, June 6, 2010 4:22 PM


goshh, i love Zhi Yin V alot :D now, i've decided alot of things already HAHA (: heard abit of the recordings <33
Teoh Jeng Yu is proud to be part of RVCO, really ! xD
yay! <3 dizi section as well! we're more bonded already ^.^ jiayous everyone! love you guys alot :D :D :D

如果时间能够倒流,那该有多好。 :D

Thursday, June 3, 2010 10:04 AM

tell me how to not look backwards.

life's about moving forward, but i'm looking backwards. i realise i should stop being so ignorant. this is bringing me nowhere. i really hate getting into all sorts of quarrels, that could be avoided. it's not like all this are ineluctable or something. i know i am quite opinionated. not quite, but very. for some ways, i might go along with you, but others, don't try to change me. noone gets the bonus. (: i cant give you many good job(s), nice(s), wonderful(s), etc etc, cause i really think it sounds weird. maybe i can only say that to certain people, but definitely not you. dont ask me why. probably because i know someone would say that to you (she never fails doing that), and it's not really important if i say one too. you might like hers better. so, i'll save that effort.
but, i really appreciate everything you did, though i will STILL not show.
once again, 心里知道就 ok 了 ^.^

sorry, we'll start again from scratch. this time, i'll be better (:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:09 AM

i failed.

siann, life's so difficult. ii just don't mean it, why can't you understand? am ii really so mean? so mean as to be like her? am ii really so cruel, so evil, so bad, so lousy as a friend? haish. maybe, ii just failed a whole lot. thanks for making me realise.


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