Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:28 PM
I dont see why you have to do this.
Hello :D
Yesterday was fun! :D Right after school, Rachael, Wen Jing and I went home, get a change of clothes and went to pasir ris. At first, we wanted to go to escape theme park, but because of halloween, they are opening at 7-11pm only. We were extremely disappointed. But we did some cool stuffs around there and waited for time to pass. Great that my mum allow me to stay till so late :D
At 7pm we went to escape and it was super crowded! Which really sucks LOL.
I think the best part was the fortune telling.
The first one was a man chanting my name and something else to a yellow bird. Then it will look at me and pick a lucky number, which was shockingly 12. LOL, last time I love 12 alot. Alright, so the card wrote something like, "Your 5 years of unhappiness will be gone. Your family will prosper and you will inherit your ancestor's wealth (??)." And some other stuffs I forgot...
5 years of unhappiness gone... Hmmm.. Hope so! ^.^ Especially F1. 2008, massa lost lewis by a point. 2009, massa's crash )): 2010, massa got a stupid team mate. Yeppp. Hope that come true and massa wins the title next year ! :D
Alright. the 2nd fortune telling is the tarot card and we 3 were supposed to ask a question each. I ask "What will happen to my love life?" And that fortune teller was like, "I tell you something, you dont be sad." When I hear that, I was seriously preparing for the worst already LOL. and she was like, "you will only meet your mr. right after the age of 22." And Wen Jing was like, "her husband?" Then the women said, "yuppp. But within those years, there will be guys that come and go." LOL, then all 3 of us was like, "not bad wad. Meet my husband at the age of 22, is just right." :D
Which suck guy will come and go. $#!@%$^$@&#*^&%@$ )):
Ehhh. I dont understand why you will put him above us all. I know what we did yesterday might be infuriating for you. But you made me feel like doing so. What's all of us as compared to him? Nothing, right? It's so heart-breaking seeing you do so. Why? Are we really so extra? Then, he's not counted as extra? Wth.
And that means, we all come in second to him...?
Mind you.
Like Massa..
I dont like playing second fiddle.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 8:17 PM
when i want to acheive something, and i failed. when i know i'm wrong, but.. how do i apologise?
I said I dislike people who are not filial. But I think I'm one. Though I think I didnt commit those kind of huge crimes and bash them up or something, but even those small little matters bother me alot. The fact that I remember my friend's bday and not theirs. Not that i dont remember what day it is. But I forgot that today is the day. I remember I planned what to get for my mum and dad earlier this year, but I actually... forgotten.
Why.... ))':
I wanna die. When they remembered mine, and I forgot theirs. When they got my present and I didnt. When they sing a birthday song for me and I didnt. When I smiled... And they didnt.. Where's justice?
I gotta agreed 2010 is a screwed up year for me. Not like I want to screw it. Part of it might be my fault, but the rest are uncontrollable. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Except for those awesome friends I've made.. And meeting Felipe and getting his signature.. Other then all those, what's there to be happy of.
I, therefore, promise I'll make 2011 and the following year and the following year and many years to come (if the no 世界末日), a better year than this year!!
I'll remember. I WILL! I wont forget. I wont lie. I'll show you how one should treat their parents.
As for now...
I'm sorry ))))':
I'm really really really very sorry.
I know you wont read this. But, still sorryyyy )))))))':
Kill me if that will do.
Monday, October 25, 2010 5:27 PM
i can live without you! :D
Yesterday night was so cool! :D
My dad and I were like lying on the bed, watching magic shows. Then when it's advertisement that time, he randomly grab my leg and then suddenly say, "woahhh, 这么硬,来来来,过来!" I tried to escape, and he grab another leg and say, "woahh, 真的很硬 lehhh!" and gave the super shock face. This continued until I fell down the bed =.= LOL But anyways, boost-ed my morale :D
Then then, when the show begin, it was quite interesting, so we all move to the end of the bed to have a closer view and I was lying down, 霸占-ing the place. So, he went to sit on me, which is like, i can feel myself being flattened. And somemore he sat till the show ends, so, today must be got abit shape le HAHAHA just kidding. xD
Today was awesome! ION came to my house at 11.40am. Hmmm, was supposed to be around 11.10am. TSK, late until so li pu! Although I dont have the rights to say that. LOL. Okay, why not put it in this way - everyone is not ready except for Min Yee (the earliest) ! :D FAIR.
Right. Slacked for 2 hours at my house, doing jsut the necklace. LOL. Okays, or rather, I entertained them by fixing the 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 rubix cube :D Although very long never play that lerhhs, but at least still can fix. SEE, got 贡献 ! ^.^
Xuerong = use phone and talk = no 贡献 *dislike*
Nicole = help Min Yee by putting on the shirt and bugging Xuerong for her phone = got abit 贡献.
Min Yee = do all the work that is done today (not much), but still most 贡献 LOL. Wait no! I should be the one who has the most 贡献 okays :D
Afterwhich, we all headed to JP and ate subway ! Then went to alot alot alot shops. The End.
Sunday, October 24, 2010 6:36 PM
it's over. now, let's look for it, two weeks later!
Okays, Korean GP today was so infuriating.
Firstly, was the safety car that stayed out for 17th laps, whereby in between there's a red flag. The race started behind the safety cars, which suggests that there will not be any wonderful "starts" or overtaking.
Next, was Webber crashing out, taking Rosberg out at the same time. The worst thing is that, Alonso was just behind and dodged it in time to not get a DNF.
Then was Vettel getting a braking problem, followed by what seems like an engine failure.
Although I gotta say at part of the race, I really quite like the situation, till it changed... Like when Lewis leapfrogged Alonso in the pit, my bro and I were like super happy. We cheered, jumped and hi-five-ed. LOL. Maybe, we have a different perception, but it's still like a happy ending, UNTIL Lewis made a mistake.
But anyways, wanna congrats Felipe for getting 3rd. Superb drive today. First up was his great defensive driving when Button tried a move over him. Then, gradually, he starts getting the pace and occasionally, sets the fastest lap time. (: So proud of him.
Okays, that little smile on his face today on the podium was so heart-warming :D
I hope to see the best of you (in this season) in Brazil :D Do your countrymen proud!
I would love to see Massa on the top step of the podium, when they play the Brazil and Italy national anthem, seeing him and his fans and the ferrari pit crew, together with his family members (which include his daddy and Raffaela and LITTLE FELIPE) singing it together.
In the meantime, I hope the redbulls (especially Mark Webber) would have a very good result as well, while Alonso, you are lucky enough already. It's time to stop being so lucky. LOL.
Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:56 PM
it's really time to let go.
It's been so long already. Maybe, I should really stop hoping. Hoping that a miracle will happen. Cause it's impossible. If it is going to happen, it should have happened by now. But it didnt. And sometimes, I wonder how people manage to do all this so well. Just like nothing had happened.
I dont know the you now. I probably didnt actually understand you at all. I like the way it is in the past, but I was not what I am suppose to be then. So, it's better after all like this. At least, now, I know what I am suppose to be. And after so many months, I realise I can live without you. I can forget about you totally at times. It's all possible. And good to know we can still be on really good terms :D Thanks, we can stay like this !
And I'll live 2011 well.
Like I always hope. (:
Friday, October 22, 2010 6:14 PM
"I forgot" is not an excuse.
Hello :D
Yesterday was super disappointing . If not for that 2 things that happened, we might have a chance, but oh-wells, it's over.
As for today, it was rather interesting. Wen Jing didnt come to school for i-dont-know-what reason (just in case Wen Jing read this, I gotta clarify, okay, this is not the interesting part LOL), so Rachael joined Nicole and I. Computer lesson was from 12.30pm -1.30pm. Korean GP practice 1 starts from 9am, and practice 2 from 1pm-2.30pm. That means, I can actually check the practice 1 result and also watch 30min of practice 2 during the computer lesson (cause it's free time), and that's what I did. Or rather, Rachael and I. Nicole went to Wong Zhen there dont know do what, so yupp. Rachael and I were like desperately finding for channels to watch, but in the end, still cant find )): So we can only watch the live timing, which is not fun at all.
And I still dont get why Massa lost so much speed to Alonso. I'm guessing it's the car. But, if Ferrari wants Massa to take some championship points away from the title rivals, they wont possibly give Alonso a super good car and Massa a ridiculously lousy one. Should be around the same right? Or because both drivers driving style is different, and Massa cant adapt to the "Alonso-driving style-car"? Hmmmm.
Okay. Just a few minutes ago, I found a super awesome website that teach Portuguese from the basic. I mean, yes, you can find alot of this kind of websites, but that, especially, teach alot, I guess? Would be printing them out (Super lots of pages after I copy and paste them into microsoft words!!), and yes, bringing it along when Dorothy and I meet up after her O levels to learn Portuguese together :D
Anyways, I was super unhappy about something today. I mean, it's not like whatever I say equals to nothing right? Just which sentence did you not understand. A deadline is a deadline. Although I expected this from the start, but it's getting ridiculous. And, although you are my friend, I still cant stand it. (No impression of you changed. Yes, you are still very nice. But I just dont like that to happen, especially when the person is you.)
Monday, October 18, 2010 6:57 PM
we're never like the past anymore. never. ))):
Whee~ Finally bought the 2 Portuguese book :D LOL. Ask nicole learn with me also dont want. Then I talk to who? )): Shall wait for Dorothy as well then hahaha!
Today super fun though. Stayed back with ION to redo the shirt/skirt so that it will look presentable on the presentation day :D i think now it looks super nice! ((:
Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:17 PM
this time i'm really determined.
Yesterday was yet another interesting night LOL Dorothy and I decided that we could go for a Massa hunt every year and when we are old enough, we'll go to Brazil, Italy and Abu Dhabi for overseas hunt! Cool huh :D My goshh, imagine traveling like a tourist while hunting for something !! ((:
Hooola! All this stuffs are making me feel like growing up fasterr right now :D
UK, Spain, Italy, France and Netherland. You're waiting for me! Stepping into 5 more countries :D But when's Brazil gonna be one of those that I've went? D:
UK going London, and can see ah boon kor kor they all :D Wheee~ Wonder who they supporting now since kimi's gone. Plus schumiii now so lousy! And right, I seriously hope my dad/mum dont tell them what I did after the German GP. Wahhh, damn embarrassing. =.= I can imagine them giving me the wtf face, and me having the "i want to dig a hole and hide myself right now" expression. Especially when they are adults! Adults just cant understand our feelings/actions at alll ))): Anyways, SHAO CONG cute boy boy, I'm coming to see you :D
Spain going to Barcelona. Hearing "spain" this word makes me feel like shouting "Fernando Alonso, you sucks. I hate you. Cheater. Loser. Bastard." there. But if I do that there, I might be killed, considering...... Nevermind.
Italy not going to Maranello )): Going to Rome, Florence and something else. Wonder what's there. Will I see lots of Ferraris zooming past?
France going Paris. The name simply sounds awesome :D
Anyways, to make sure next time when I go Brazil, can talk to Massa's countrymens, I've awesomely decided to learn Portuguese :D YESHH :D I'm starting with the basics now. Like how to pronounce it LOL.
I dont think I'm crazy at all.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:13 PM
It's not like we have not tried. We did, but we failed. But that's better than not trying and saying that you just cant do it.
Today get back some results. For those that I did take, at least.
I'm rather okay with history. Just A2. And combine with my previous A2, is still A2. So yupp, remain is better than dropping. I'll just say good bye to it next year, and NEVER come back again. Thankyou. :D
As for english compre... I dont know if this is something good or bad - but I got 10/20. arghhh, nicole... our ELIT dream ))): I think the teacher super strict in marking, though they say they are lenient already. Haishhh. Hopeful for the other components ! I really wanna pull up one grade for english heh. My previous total was like 64. Just need oneee more mark. D: But, to think at the brighter side, the level's average is 10 LOLL. And at least, I didnt flunk it, like errrhemm errhem.
Rights, forget about the results.
After school, Nicole and I went to JP. Wandered into popular (still rather hopeful we can get into elit), and bought some awesome books :D then then, we thought for quite some time, and decided that we SHOULD eat subway - cause I'm super duper hungryy. Super nice! ((:
Afterwhich, we did that maths eoy paper which mr loke give, and read abit of that book. Slacked there till 6pm and went to chamelon. Bought some stuffs and off we go. :D
Hmmphhh, we also planned for the future in those lessons that did not really concern us. Like.. What to do next year? Where to sit? What to be? What to buy? Which uni to go to? Go overseas together? And.. OUR SECRETs :D LOL, which apparently, is not anymore. Cause wenjing and annie know liao D:
To think about it, we're gonna be the most successful lesbian ever. Just kidding. *pukes*
I'm straight.
dont say anything you dont know. or you'll end up embarrassing yourselves only.
Sometimes, journalists are just the best person to piss you off.
To me, Massa's results in Suzuka was a deserved damn you to Ferrari for blatantly putting him in the reserve spot - the oh-so-called 2nd driver. I dont think Massa ever had any intention to get into Q3. I mean, the week after the Ferrari boss calls for Massa to take points off other teams, he qualified 12th and crashed out in Turn 1. Though it seems like a complete accident. But, if you remember Piquet's kill-myself crash in Singapore GP 2008, he did it flawlessly. Throughout that year, no one know it's on purpose. Talking about that, damn you Piquet. You ruined the what it seemed like a Massa's victory, both in the Singapore GP and the 2008 driver's championship.
Okays whatever. But, maybe Massa did the same as well, here in Suzuka. Removing himself from the race is reasonable. If I were him, I would do the same thing. Yes, completely. You can say it's the lack of sportsmanship. But think about it, who started it first? Who had Santader backing for him? Who whined to the team when Massa is faster than him or if Massa overtook him and then, out of anger, order them to make him the 1st driver?
Ohh, by the way, when I say overtake, I mean overtake. I dont mean those shenanigans, where you say "this is ridiculous", cries abit and get the team to ask your teammate to be slower to let you crawl past him BABY. Actually not. A baby is so much cuter and adorable than you are.
But anyways, Alonso should learn how to earn the title on his own. In Mclaren, he wanted Lewis to help him, and Lewis denied and complaint. He bu shuang, go block Lewis for qualifying and got striped off pole position. LOL LOL. This is called, "huo gai". In Renault, he asked the team to tell Piquet JR. to crash for him to help him to win, and Piquet obeyed =.= In Ferrari, is it Massa's turn?
Wait till next year, we'll all teach you a lesson. The honorable lesson on how to be a 2nd driver. (Though Lewis taught you already.) But seems like you had not learnt from your mistakes. Lewis and his fans hate you. Now, Massa and his fans DESPISE and DETEST you.
Truth to be told, I dont blame Massa if he gets a DNF for the remaining 3 races - if that means, no helping Alonso, no Alonso winning the driver's title.
Just right at the time.
The right thing I wanna hear.
Let's bring a good news :D
Heidfeld is quoted as saying: “2010 tyres are very different from the ones we had in 2009. And they are not similar to the Pirelli tyres that I was testing as well.”
So, it looks like Pirelli tyres are gonna be at least different from 2010 Bridgestones. And since, Massa said he had been struggling with the tyres, this statement gives some hope to him bahhs :D
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6:08 PM
Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they’re also what tear you apart.
Why do I feel like I've not been spending my life wisely )): Hate it. I've gotta get a life man. Probably gonna go in search of many super cool puzzles that would take years to complete. That would be interesting :D
But today, cause I saw him on the bus on my way home, I really think that I've not seen some people for ages already. Those people that never really left me before. Probably, those that I didnt really cherish much in the past. Now I know, after comparing, they are the best. This is when I really hope we can go back to the past. (How contradicting - cause I've always been waiting for 2011.) But anyways, I'm gonna ask them out soon - I think. Hope they are free lurhh .
P.S. You guys appear when you need us, but leave when we need you. Why?
Monday, October 11, 2010 9:27 PM
that's the man.

HAHA, cute :D thanks whoever who made this.
this is the mannnnnn i will never give up my hope in.
though, i've really gotta admit this year is quite screwed. and even more screwed after the german gp. but. next year is gonna be a come back for him.
never lose hope. that's it (:
and as for now, i'll really hope that mark webber get the driver's crown. he really deserve it more than anybody else. more than alonso. more than hamilton. more than vettel. (:
i just cant get the felipe-massa-is-right-in-front-of-me scene out of my mind. and whenever i think of it, i'll just smile hopelessly and get a sudden highness. and that's exactly what happened last night, which make me cant sleep for quite some time D:
i think i'm going crazy soon. when is he coming singapore again? ))):
and because of that, i've decided.
i'll save up loads of money. and next year, i'll get the premier walkabout ticket, probably together with dorothy (: and then, we'll wait at the whichever exit for the drivers and get a photo of felipe with us taken :D
also, i'll hope to see the ferraris lock up the front row, with felipe on pole then (:
Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:14 PM
sorry. i'm really sorry.
i think i should stop getting pissed off so easily anymore. i hate the way i handle stuffs.
why the hell did i say that to him? )):
"you go try and drive la. i bet you cant even get 10s near the last guy." i cant believe i said that to my dad just because he said massa had no chance anymore and something like that. but that's not the reason why i feel so remorseful. it's because when i stepped out of the kitchen, he was not his usual self. he didnt rebut. he just sat and quietly eat his food. but why do i sense a sense of sadness in him? that face. that atmosphere.
i hate myself. seriously.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. sucks sucks sucks.
when your daughter treat you like that, is it end of world to you?
shit. i just hope time can rewind. )':
i wont do that again.
and even if i'm really angry when you criticise massa, i'll never compare your driving skill to his again. never. (but, you're really a good driver :D)
a guy whom i see everyday, and a guy who i hope to see everyday. it's different. he might be a world class driver, and you're not. but, you're my father, and he's not.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 3:31 PM
I'm happy enough.
Got the ps3 working and is playing the f1 2010 now. Ok, not now.
But whatever, there's 3 things play-able there. Career mode, grand prix and time trial.
But apparently, only 1 career mode per time? And my brother doesnt want me to ruin his career, so I'm forbidden to play that .
Grand Prix's the same. So, I might as well play that instead.
Start of my first time playing that game with Bahrain. Unfamiliar with the controls, so you cant blame me for anything :X
So, obviously, everyone in the right mind will choose ferrari as your car and felipe to be yourself right. And that's exactly what i did.
Started from 5th on the grid and got an awesome start - not like i've got good reaction (because this game, you just have to press the accelerate button and they auto move your car when they like. And apparently, since this is made by the official f1 people and they know massa have good start - better than the rest of the grid - which lead to me having a good start LOL)
Whatever, i just happened to overtake hamilton, who is 4th and right in front of is a weaving webber. and who knows when to brake. I smashed right into the back of webber, tried to escape and smack into vettel. But I just ran off and emerge 2nd LOL, because that computer-hamilton apparently was stuck in your collision and have no place to go :D
Then, when i continue, i realise i'm sort of a 2002 felipe massa - accident prone novice. Perfectly fitting. Accident, yes. Novice, yes. (well, my first time playing.)
Whatever, restarted the race for more then 3 times, and of all the times, i never seem to have once where i never knock down anyone in the start. Then again, it's really very hard to avoid someone when you dont know when they are braking, and in this case, webber's ALWAYS braking far too early then he should.
And even if i managed to get away (i always do, except for times, i was told i've gotten a penalty for CAUSING an accident =.=), either tons of car drove past me or i get some front wing damage. You know how hard it is to have not much downforce - when you turn into and corner and have no grip. That sucks.
But other then that, I guess I love the gravel. D:
So, without completing my grand prix, I went to play time trial.
I tell you that's alot better, you dont have millions of cars chasing you down. Only one - a ghost car. I think it's something to show you if you are fast anot. If it's infront of you, you gotta know you are freaking slow, and I mean it, VERY slow. If it's behind you, then, yes, you are fast - like real. I mean, that car has totally know standard. Mark my word.
The very first time i ran a lap - Bahrain again - I suck, and I know that. Cause I spun at the first corner, took hours getting out and continue without seeing that car because I just keep going into the gravel. Tried lots of time, it got better.
The very last time I tried, I've got to say, please with myself. No gravel, no spinning (: Although I've got to admit it's cautious driving - which will lead you to nowhere in F1. But still, I won that ghost car.
So, it really have no standard ehh?
Actually, I concluded something playing thus far:
Alonso, you actually dont have to feel sad if you keep running out of track, spinning and who knows what - crash. Cause actually, all this are really hard to prevent. So, do it more, I'll actually be glad, cause you are like me (:
Wait, eww.
You are like me as in, just spam accident. (ok, but now i dont. i just have to play the grand prix mode again to prove it - i think.)
But I'll never be like you. So disgusting.
If I am, I'll just die.
3:22 PM
(: i remembered to smile.
After wondering for so long, so long, having the urge to ask you each time, but yet regretting for not to, I've finally understand why. I think I really know why. It just suddenly got into my mind that that might be the reason, although it might not - I've accepted it in any way.
Why you left me.
Come to think about it, it's really been a long long time, you might even have forgot once I'm there.
Although I dont know why, I really want to hear something from you. One word will do. One word and I'll let you go.
If not, I'll wait.
I'll wait till the time memories start fading, and
I really forget you.
Saturday, October 2, 2010 4:29 PM
leave me alone.
why must one be so stickybreak?
it just feels so irritating. when i didnt say anything and you knows everything.
you live your life, i live mine. wont that be better?
it's not like we are very close. and i seriously have no mood for all that.
anyways, was memorising history ytd. progress = not bad :D
right now is just 2 more reasons for the chinese rev and all of the impacts. ahh.
i think i can understand sbq, but i always cant link the source to the question >< try my bestt :X but why do i have a feeling i wont understand the thinking question at all. hmmph. alrights. lets just see on monday. and after monday, jiu can relax liao. endure!
later will be going with mama to kinokuniya and borders :D looking forward. hope i will not be extremely disappointed. :D
talking about disappointment, it's so long ago de stuffs, but i just managed to remember.
some times before the singapore gp, i remember i said that there's 4 things that if i did not achieve it after the 2010 singapore gp, i will be extremely disappointed:
1) see massa in real person
2) qing shou get his autograph
3) take picture with him
4) see massa win the singapore gp
so, i guess, i'm half-disappointed? alright. i admit i was over the moon just by seeing him and getting his signature. but after seeing some other ppl on fb managing to take photos with him (maybe it's at other places and not the spore gp lurhh), but still, i was quite disappointed.. and qualifying last dashes hopes of him fulfilling my last wish. so, yeah..